An example!
  1. Go to
  2. Go to "Upload file" on the left-hand menu (quick link)
  3. Click the "more information on uploading Flickr images" link on the second bullet point (quick link)
  4. Scroll to the "Tools" section (quick link)
  5. Click on Bryan's upload tool page (quick link)
  6. Follow the instructions, including your Wikipedia username and a hyperlink to the correctly licensed[1] Flickr image
  7. Add your image to a relevant Wikipedia article, using image wiki formatting:
  • [[File:Example.jpg|thumb|size|align|caption]]
  • [[File:Example.jpg|thumb|250px|right|An example!]]


  1. ^ Remember that the bot will only upload images that are licensed for commercial use which can also be modified, adapted, and built upon. Example: Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported