Theanphibian/new version
No image available
Coordinates {{{coordinate}}}
river(s) {{{rivers}}}
Lake of the dam {{{lake}}}
Dam Type {{{type}}}
Numerical Characteristics
Height {{{height}}} m
Length {{{length}}} m
Dam volume {{{dam_volume}}}
Reservoir Volume {{{capacity_volume}}} m³
Utilized Volume {{{storage_volume}}} m³
River basin area {{{catchment_area}}} km²
Reservoir area {{{inundation_area}}} ha
Dam use {{{utilization}}}
Owner {{{owner}}}
Operator {{{utility}}}
Electric Generators
Construction Company {{{construction}}}
Construction start/end [[{{{started}}}]]/[[{{{finished}}}]]
Notes {{{notes}}}
Template (Talk Info) WP:E

Dam, Japan * This template exists so that I can copy the information they put together on the Japanese pages with minimal changes, while at the same time changing the box into 100% English. Do not change the variable names please.

See Also

| picture = {{{画像}}}
| address = {{{所在地}}}
| coordinate = {{{座標}}}
| rivers = {{{河川}}}
| lake = {{{ダム湖}}}
| type = {{{ダム形式}}}
<!-- Numbers -->
| height = {{{堤高}}}
| length = {{{堤頂長}}}
| dam_volume = {{{堤体積}}}
| capacity_volume = {{{総貯水容量}}}
| storage_volume = {{{有効貯水容量}}}
| catchment_area = {{{流域面積}}}
| inundation_area = {{{湛水面積}}}
| utilization = {{{利用目的}}}
| owner = {{{事業主体}}}
| utility = {{{電気事業者}}}
| generators = {{{発電所名(認可出力)}}}
| construction = {{{施工業者}}}
| started = {{{着工年}}}
| finished = {{{竣工年}}}
| notes =  {{{備考}}}