I picked Theanthropic avatar because it sounds haughty and narcissistic, which I think goes well with my obnoxious and sarcastic sense of humor. I am well aware that the preceding eternally condemns me to be dismissed by all as hopelessly pretentious.

My dominant interests are history, geography, warfare, philosophy, and religion, followed by architecture, astronomy, and zoology. But occasionally I wander about in the infinite wilderness of links, inexorably ending up lost and befuddled with three or four windows and forty-something tabs about all sorts of random things.

However, I often have little time (or, little energy) to edit when I see an opportunity; and even when I do I don't always have appropriate sources on hand, so I apologize in advance for any idiotic phraseology or unverified claims, as well as my writing style being more suited to rambling commentary and amateur creative writing classes than a worldwide conglomeration of devoted intellectuals and lonely agitators which fancies itself as an encyclopedia. Hopefully, over the next couple years, I'll have more time to devote to editing, providing sources, yadiyadiyada... but at this juncture such chasing after the wind just wouldn't be prudent.

I (ostensibly) strive to be objective in all matters pertaining to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. If I ever demonstrate blatant narrow-mindedness, appear to be pushing any sort of agenda, or descend into that vulgar state of mind where one can no longer distinguish between what one wishes and what really is, please don't hesitate to berate me.

If circumstance permits and I decide to get involved in some larger endeavor than the occasional minor edit, I anticipate it would involve either history, geography, or architecture; but who knows, by then I might be dead, married, or worse.