" CRUCIFIED TRUTH " an investigative experimental thriller plotted around the 1997 communal riots occurred in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, resulting in the demise of 18 innocent Muslims lives and this incident provoked a major bomb blast in Coimbatore on 1998 which in turn left 60 dead and more than 250 injured.

We took 2 years to re-investigate this issue - meeting victims - members of the outfits – activists – advocates – FIR reports – commission reports - cross examinations etc. There were a few instances, where we took life threatening risks to collect unbiased truths. This movie, based on the 2 years of study aims to picture the conspiracy behind the incident as it is essential to uproot such predicaments that have deeply rooted into the minds of the people and are a hindrance for the development of the human race.

The movie follows the journey of a muckraker journalist and an ex-activist who set out to chronologically unravel the events that were plotted around the communal riot and the manner by which the instigators of the crime escaped the hands of the law.

We take pride in having produced this contemporary political film which was possible only through the crowd-funded channel (made with 10 lakhs [1000 Rs from 1000 People] a huge plus to this film).

95% of the film is treated with spy camera POV as a docu faction type.