I am new. I plan to take my time and look all around me in the world of Wikipedia. I am a novice at writing source code, but I'll get around or over this somehow. I really want to contribute.

I am a graduate of the University of Washington. My major was Interdisicplinary Arts and Sciences, and Psychology. I plan to apply for Grad school for a Master's degree and I am working on my own autobiography, which will consist of two volumes, one based on the facts of my life, the incredible spectrum of experiences that I have had, and the pain that has contributed to my life as positives in the present. I will write the other after I graduate with a Master of Arts degree, a self-help book.

Being a writer, I find I may have a new "hobby" in Wikipedia. It is my personal mission to make some positive difference in the world for having lived. It will take some time to learn Wikipedia, a definitely outstanding concept and resource, and how to add and edit properly. This should be challenging, fun, and important to me for a long time, for as long as I can access the world via the net. I'll be lurking! Cause 04:59, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

Lurking.Cause 18:50, 25 February 2007 (UTC)