Omnia quaecumque vultis ut faciant vobis homines et vos facite illis (Mt.: 7,12)



Torch the competition, use Firefox! Flambes la compétiton, utilises Firefox! Brucia la competizione, usa Firefox!

 This user comes from Montreal.
 This user is proud to come from Quebec.
 This user is Canadian, eh?
 This user is or was a member of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets.
 This user says "Thank You" to Canadian Soldiers and Veterans. We Will Remember Them.
  This user owns one or more small birds.  
 This user is interested in Ancient Rome.
 This user is interested in
World War II
 This user visits Astronomy Picture of the Day every day.

Just trying to be useful. J'essaie de me rendre utile.


I speak English, French and Italian. Written Italian is not that great...
Je parle l'anglais, le français et l'italien. Mon italien écrit n'est pas si bon.
Parlo inglese, francese e italiano. Il mio italiano scritto, non è tanto buono...