I'm just a guy who likes playing video games, and frequently wears tie-dye. I also enjoy writing music.

Believe me when I say that I could probably beat you at Rock Band. Seriously, I'm almost certain that I'm one of the five best plastic guitar players on the Truman State University Campus, and my drum skills are pretty epic as well. If you have a strong desire to test my statement, feel free to find me on Xbox Live (my profile is my old gamertag, Binomial Boy).

I've actually gotten so proficient at fake guitar-ing that I've started fretting my own work. Check it out. My Fret Files. You'll need Frets on Fire to play them, and I recommend having a USB guitar (Though you can play with your keyboard.)

I started this Wikipedia account for my JINS course professor's class. He's a pretty cool guy, so feel free to check his account out.

Dr. Alberts

TrumanThis user is a student, alumnus, or friend of Truman State University.