Tirane is the capital of Albania, and it is not a big skateboarding city. Many people don't skateboard there but it's possible to find a couple of skaters.

Tirana by Spot Satellite

The hardest thing about skateboarding in Albania is finding good skate spots. There are stairs and stuff, but not really anything else. Fortunately, a couple years ago, the Tirane government decided it was it was time to build a skate park. And in the end, they did. It is located on the north east part of Tirane. Most people know this place as Ali Dem. The skate park is called Ali Dem Park. it is together with a park with swings and benches. The skate park is mainly used for families in the area, with no where else to recreate at. It is full of people on skates and bikes as well the usual skater or two. It is a great place for beginners to learn how to skate. The ramps aren't very big although there is no rails to grind on, unless you like grinding on hand rails. The first thing you see as you enter is a long, yellow, quarter pipe. I don't think it can be over four feet tall. It's not very steep and it doesn't have any coping. Dropping in is very easy and it's perfect for beginners. You can ride up it and do ollies and ollie 180's, as well as just riding up. The ramp to the left of it is like a usual up-down ramp. There is a gradual hill that flattens out and then goes down. It is connected to another one just like it except that the other is a skateboards length away. It's possible to ollie from one ramp to the other. Behind that is another one of them, but facing a different direction. It’s pretty much the same so people who have skated for a while will get pretty bored. Then, up next gets harder. There’s a steeper ramp which flattens out at the top and then goes down steeply again. I don’t recommend it for beginners. It’s fun to Ollie of it and land on the slope on the other side. After this is another one of those beginners’ ramps. You’ll find that there are a lot of those. Right next to it is another one, again. All along the edges though is a little slop that you can ride horizontally. That’s pretty much all at the Ali Dem skatepark. thank you. here is a picture: http://mw2.google.com/mw-panoramio/photos/medium/33359883.jpg