User:Tobacco expert/Electric Cigarette Machines

""Electric Cigarette Machines""

Prior to World War II and for a considerable time after the relatively low price of making your own cigarettes was the main reason for smoking hand made cigarettes. Traditionally smokers chose to make their own cigarettes to save money or because they were unable to purchase factory made cigarettes. Rolling cigarettes by hand is very popular in Europe with 28.4% of the smokers preferring this method in the UK ( Major brands of tobacco like Marlboro and Camel are available in roll your own tobacco in the EU.

Currently the taste, personal experience and lifestyle are some additional reasons plus there are considerable tax savings in making your own cigarettes compared to buying factory made cigarettes (

Many customers buy cartons of cigarettes AND make your own. Smokers most often use make your own at home and factory made when they are out. There is a crossover of 25%. Make your own has been increasing the past 10 years while factory made cigarette market has declined slightly (

Due to rapid cigarette price and tax increases making your own cigarettes is more appealing. Until recently cigarettes have been made using rolling paper, and tobacco or a hand held injector machine rolling machine, pre-formed paper tube, and tobacco. There are many varieties of hand held machines, ranging in price from a few dollars to $60 USD. The more expensive machines use a hand crank to inject the cigarette tube with tobacco ( These machines are relatively easy to use and inexpensive.

Smokers have been interested in having an electric cigarette machine for some time but a reliable machine was hard to find. Cigarettes Cheaper! discovered the Easy Roller from Denmark in 1999. Unfortunately the auger system of the machine chewed up the tobacco causing unsafe ash. This machine was pulled off the market and but can be found on ebay for sales outside of the U.S. Recently, it has been renamed ""Fast Filler"" runs on 110 electricity and continues to use an auger system. (

The Fresh Choice Electric Cigarette Machine is the first electric reliable, safe machine for smokers to use to make cigarettes at home.

""Fresh Choice Electric Cigarette System"" is a combination of the Electric Cigarette Machine and Natural Tobacco. Fresh Choice Electric Cigarette Machine was developed to allow smokers to make cigarettes easier than with handheld machines. Smokers can load the tobacco in the hopper, add a pre-formed paper tube, and press a button to make a cigarette. There is no need to touch the tobacco. The machine slides the tobacco into the tube to provide a safe (in regards to the ash) cigarette. The machine must be used with Natural Fresh Choice tobacco to work properly. Although the tobacco is marketed as 100% additive free this does not mean that the cigarettes are not harmful. The Fresh Choice company states that "it is important for smokers to make the decision to smoke once they have decided if they get more out of smoking than smoking gets out of them." In addition, it is important to note that cigarettes are addictive and should only be enjoyed by adults. Company website: (

There are other electric cigarettes currently on the market. The ""Mackroller"" is a electric machine based on the same principles as the Premier Supermatic ( Tobacco is loaded for each cigarette,one at a time rather than in bulk. There is also a ""Royale Machine"" that utilizes an auger.