What I'm doing here


Most of the time, I am browsing Wikipedia as a mere reader, but from time to time, I also get active as an author.

Areas of special interest


Since some point between my 11th and 12th birthday, I am a member of the German Federal Agency for Techical Relief, starting in their youth organisation THW-Jugend. Since my 18th birthday, I am an active volunteer in the agency. I'd assume this hobby requires a lot of personal interest, at least I do it for this reason. Because of this, I am very interested in articles from the topics disaster control and emergency medicine.

Also, I am a proud nerd. I am programming for the web for several years now, and mainly use PHP for these tasks. However, I can at least read and understand most languages that have at some point in their history flirted with C. For this reason, I am interested in computer science articles and wikibooks.