Today is March, 11 2021, Todor Simeonov Ramanski born in c.Karnalovo, near the town of Petrich Bulgaria has been missing for over 2 years, I ask if someone has seen him please get in touch. His family misses him dearly. He is a patriot, well know and many tried to sabotage him so as my brother Krasimir Todorov Ramanski and mother Kalina Stoianova Ramanska. My grand grand father has been in the second world war, the wealthy farmer fighting for the freedom of Europe was slandered by people from the village to get his money, that left 3 sons without a father. My mother Kalina Stoianova Ramanska is a well respected lady who was also in a very tragic situation, her father Stoian Stoianov was also poisoned by doctors negligence. My family has been tortured and many tried to kill us in the past, we have been paying for someone else misery.