User:TokenzeroBot/ISO 4 mismatches

Out of 9667 infobox journals, 1 have an empty abbreviation parameter, 9329 have the same as guessed by the bot, 337 have something different. (0 have no computed abbreviation)

The first 200 mismatches

page title infobox title infobox abbrv bot guess bot lang matching LTWA patterns
Akropolis: Journal of Hellenic Studies Akropolis Akrop.: J. Hell. Stud. all
-polis	-p.	mul
journal	j.	fre, eng
hellen-	hell.	gre
helléni-	hell.	fre
Studie	Stud.	dut
studi	n.a.	ind
studi-	stud.	ind, nor
studies	stud.	eng
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (journal) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Antonie Leeuwenhoek all
Antonie	n.a.	mul,ext
-ton	-t.	eng
Carnets Geol. Carnets Geol. Carnets Geol, all
carnet	n.a.	fre
Chemistry: A European Journal Chem. Eur. J. Chem.: Eur. J. all
chemist-	chem.	eng
europ-	eur.	mul
journal	j.	fre, eng
Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B Chin. Ann. Math. Ser. B Chin. Ann. Math. B all
Chinese	Chin.	eng
annal-	ann.	eng, fre
mathemat-	math.	fre, eng
serie	ser.	mul
series	ser.	eng
série-	sér.	fre
EMBnet EMBnet.journal EMBnet.journal EMBnet.j. all
journal	j.	fre, eng
Fondation Louis-de-Broglie Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie Ann. Fond. Louis de Broglie Ann. Fond. Louis Broglie all
annal-	ann.	eng, fre
fondation-	fond.	fre
Humana.Mente Humana.Mente Hum..Mente all
human	hum.	eng, hun
mente	n.a.	spa
Johnson Matthey Technology Review Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev. Johns. Matthey Technol. Rev. all
Johnson	Johns.	eng
technolog-	technol.	mul
review-	rev.	eng
Journal of Xenobiotics J. Xenobiot. J. Xenobiotics all
journal	j.	fre, eng
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods Limnol. Oceanogr.: Methods all
limnolog-	limnol.	mul, hun
oceanograph-	oceanogr.	fre, eng
océan-	ocean.	fre, mul
-graph-	-gr.	eng
method	n.a.	eng
Novel: A Forum on Fiction Novel Nov.: Forum Fict. all
novel-	nov.	eng
forum	n.a.	lat, fre, eng
ficti-	fict.	fre
Questions: Philosophy for Young People Questions Quest.: Philos. Young People all
question-	quest.	fre, eng
philosoph-	philos.	mul
young-	n.a.	eng
people	n.a.	eng
The Critical Review (Chinese journal) [[:]]} Xueheng [[:]]} all
itali-	ital.	ita, fre
Topic: The Washington & Jefferson College Review Topic Top.: Wash. Jefferson Coll. Rev. all
topic-	top.	eng
Washington	Wash.	eng
-ton	-t.	eng
Colleg	Coll.	ger
college-	coll.	fre, eng
review-	rev.	eng
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie – Crystalline Materials Z. Kristallogr. Cryst. Mater. Z. Krist. – Cryst. Mater. all
Zeitschrift-	Z.	ger
kristall-	krist.	rus, ger
-graph-	-gr.	eng
crystalli-	cryst.	eng
materia-	mater.	spa, lav, ita
material-	mater.	slo, lit
materials	mater.	eng
matéri-	matér.	fre
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie – New Crystal Structures Z. Kristallogr. NCS Z. Krist. – New Cryst. Struct. all
Zeitschrift-	Z.	ger
kristall-	krist.	rus, ger
-graph-	-gr.	eng
crystal	cryst.	eng
structur-	struct.	eng, fre

with existing redirect marked as ISO-4


We separately list mismatches when there already is a redirect categorized as ISO-4 (coming from the infobox abbrev), since it was probably edited by a human with more care, and because wrongly categorized redirects need to be fixed.

page title infobox title infobox abbrv bot guess bot lang matching LTWA patterns
AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv AStA Wirtsch. Sozialstat. Arch. AStA Wirtsch.- Sozialstatistisches Arch. all
Wirtschaft-	Wirtsch.	ger
archi-	arch.	spa
archiv-	arch.	mul
archív	arch.	slo
Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia Acta Asiat. Vars. Acta Asiat. Varsoviensia all
acta	n.a.	lat, roa
asiat-	asiat.	fre
Aldrichimica Acta Aldrichim. Acta Aldrichimica Acta all
acta	n.a.	lat, roa
Arbeit - Bewegung - Geschichte Arbeit - Bewegung - Geschichte: Zeitschrift für historische Studien Arb. Beweg. Gesch. Arb. - Beweg. - Gesch.: Z. hist. Stud. all
Arbeit	Arb.	ger
Bewegung	Beweg.	ger
Geschichte	Gesch.	ger
Zeitschrift-	Z.	ger
histor-	hist.	spa, fre, eng
Studie	Stud.	dut
studi	n.a.	ind
studi-	stud.	ind, nor
Archiv für Naturgeschichte Arch. Naturgesch. Arch. Naturgeschichte all
archi-	arch.	spa
archiv-	arch.	mul
archív	arch.	slo
Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie Arch. Rechts Sozialphilos. Arch. Rechts- Sozialphilosophie all
archi-	arch.	spa
archiv-	arch.	mul
archív	arch.	slo
-recht	-r.	ger
Recht	n.a.	ger
Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik Arch. Sozialwiss. Sozialpolit. Arch. Sozialwiss. Sozialpolitik all
archi-	arch.	spa
archiv-	arch.	mul
archív	arch.	slo
-wissenschaft	-wiss.	eng
Baháʼí Studies Review Bahá'í Stud. Rev. Baháʼí Stud. Rev. all
Studie	Stud.	dut
studi	n.a.	ind
studi-	stud.	ind, nor
studies	stud.	eng
review-	rev.	eng
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining Biofuels Bioprod. Biorefin. Biofuels Bioprod. Biorefining all
bioproduct-	bioprod.	eng
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics Bioinspir. Biomim. Bioinspiration Biomim. all
biomimetic	biomim.	eng
Bulletin of the American Society of Overseas Research Bull. Am. Sch. Orient. Res. Bull. Am. Soc. Overseas Res. all
bulletin-	bull.	mul
america-	am.	fre, eng
societ-	soc.	fre, eng
overseas	n.a.	eng
research-	res.	eng
Center for Applied Transgender Studies Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies Bull. Appl. Transgend. Stud. Bull. Appl. Transgender Stud. all
bulletin-	bull.	mul
applied	appl.	eng
Studie	Stud.	dut
studi	n.a.	ind
studi-	stud.	ind, nor
studies	stud.	eng
ChemComm Chem. Commun. ChemComm all

Chemische Berichte Chemische Berichte/Recueil Chem. Ber. Recl. Chem. Ber./Recl. all
chemisch-	chem.	ger
Bericht	Ber.	ger
recueil	recl.	fre
Children's Literature (journal) Children's Literature Child.'s Lit. Child. Lit. all
children-	child.	eng
literat-	lit.	mul
Children's Literature Association Quarterly Child.'s Lit. Assoc. Q. Child. Lit. Assoc. Q. all
children-	child.	eng
literat-	lit.	mul
associ-	assoc.	eng, fre
quarterly	q.	eng
Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg Cour. Forschungsinst. Senckenberg Cour. Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg all
courier-	cour.	eng
Senckenberg	n.a.	ger
Senckenberg-	Senckenberg.	lat, ger
-berg	-b.	ger
Crell's Annalen Chemische Annalen für die Freunde der Naturlehre, Arzneygelahrtheit, Haushaltungskunst und Manufakturen Chem. Ann. Freunde Nat. Arzneygelahrtheit Haushalt. Manufakturen Chem. Ann. Freunde Naturlehre Arzneygelahrtheit Haushaltungskunst Manufakturen all
chemisch-	chem.	ger
annal-	ann.	eng, fre
Freund	n.a.	ger
Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies Cult. Stud. Crit. Methodol. Cult. Stud. ↔ Crit. Methodol. all
cultur-	cult.	fre, eng, ita
Studie	Stud.	dut
studi	n.a.	ind
studi-	stud.	ind, nor
studies	stud.	eng
critica-	crit.	mul
methodolog-	methodol.	fre, eng
Cybernetics Society Enacting Cybernetics Enact. Cybern. Enacting Cybern. all
cyberneti-	cybern.	fre, eng
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking Cyberpsychol. Behav. Soc. Netw. Cyberpsychology Behav. Soc. Netw. all
behavior-	behav.	eng
social	soc.	fre, eng
sociāl-	soc.	lav
networking	netw.	eng
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. ESAIM: Control Optim. Calc. Var. all
control-	control.	eng, fre
optimisation	optim.	fre
calcul-	calc.	fre, eng
variation-	var.	eng, fre
Entomologist's Gazette Entomol.'s Gaz. Entomol. Gaz. all
entomolog-	èntomol.	mul, rus
gazette	gaz.	fre
Entomologist's Monthly Magazine Entomol.'s Mon. Mag. Entomol. Mon. Mag. all
entomolog-	èntomol.	mul, rus
month-	mon.	eng
magazi	mag.	gre
magazin	mag.	ger
magazin-	mag.	fre, eng
Fluid Phase Equilibria Fluid Ph. Equilib. Fluid Ph. Equilibria all
fluid	n.a.	eng
-phas-	-ph.	fre, eng
Forensic Science International: Genetics Forensic Sci. Int. Genet. Forensic Sci. Int.: Genet. all
forensic	n.a.	eng
scienc-	sci.	fre, eng
internation-	int.	fre, eng
genet-	genet.	mul
Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies Front. J. Women Stud. Front.: J. Women Stud. all
front-	front.	cze
frontièr-	front.	fre, eng
journal	j.	fre, eng
women	n.a.	eng
Studie	Stud.	dut
studi	n.a.	ind
studi-	stud.	ind, nor
studies	stud.	eng
GIScience & Remote Sensing GISci. Remote Sens. GIScience Remote Sens. all
remote-	remote.	eng
sensing	sens.	eng
Gallia Préhistoire Gall. Préhist. Gall. Préhistoire all
Gallia	Gall.	mul
gäll-	gäll.	swe
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. Geochem. Geophys. Geosystems all
Geochem-	Geochem.	ger, eng
geophys-	geophys.	fre, eng
Giornale de' Letterati [[:]]} G. Lett. [[:]] all
giornale	g.	ita
letter-	lett.	eng, ita
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice Group Dyn. Theory Res. Pract. Group Dyn.: Theory Res. Pract. all
-group	-gr.	eng
group	n.a.	eng
dynamic-	dyn.	eng
theory	n.a.	eng
research-	res.	eng
prac-	pr.	pol, cze
practi-	pract.	spa, eng
HeartRhythm Case Reports HeartRhythm Case Rep. Hear. Case Rep. all
hear-	hear.	eng
report	rep.	eng, fre
ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition Infant Child Adolesc. Nutr. ICAN: Infant Child Adolesc. Nutr. all
infant	n.a.	eng
adolescen-	adolesc.	fre, eng, spa
nutri-	nutr.	mul
IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics Int. J. Fem. Approaches Bioeth. IJFAB: Int. J. Fem. Approaches Bioeth. all
internation-	int.	fre, eng
journal	j.	fre, eng
femin-	fem.	mul
approach	n.a.	eng
bioethics	bioeth.	eng
In Practice In Pract. In Practice all
prac-	pr.	pol, cze
practi-	pract.	spa, eng
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Animal In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Animal In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. – Anim. all
in vitro	n.a.	mul,ext
vitr-	vitr.	fre
cellula-	cell.	fre, eng
develop-	dev.	eng
bìolog-	biol.	ukr, mul
animal-	anim.	fre
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plant In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Plant In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. – Plant all
in vitro	n.a.	mul,ext
vitr-	vitr.	fre
cellula-	cell.	fre, eng
develop-	dev.	eng
bìolog-	biol.	ukr, mul
plant	n.a.	eng, fre
plán-	plán.	cze
In the Library with the Lead Pipe Libr. Lead Pipe In Libr. Lead Pipe all
libr-	libr.	lat
librar-	libr.	ita, eng
International Journal of Transgender Health Int. J. Transgend. Health Int. J. Transgender Health all
internation-	int.	fre, eng
journal	j.	fre, eng
heal-	heal.	eng
health	n.a.	eng
Irish Naturalists' Journal Ir. Nat.' J. Ir. Nat. J. all
Irish	Ir.	eng
natural-	nat.	fre, eng
journal	j.	fre, eng
Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Radioelektronika Izv. Vyss. Uchebnykh Zaved. Radioelektron. Izv. Vyss. Uchebnykh Zaved., Radioelektron. all
izvesti-	izv.	rus
vysš-	vysš.	rus
zaveden-	zaved.	rus
Radioelektroni-	Radioelektron.	rus, ger
Izvestiya: Mathematics Izv. Math. Izv.: Math. all
izvesti-	izv.	rus
mathemat-	math.	fre, eng
JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery JAMA Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. JAMA Otolaryngol.–Head Neck Surg. all
otolaryngolog-	otolaryngol.	mul
surgery	surg.	eng
Jahres-Bericht über die Leistungen der chemischen Technologie Jahresber. über Leist. chem. Technol. Jahres-Ber. über Leist. chem. Technol. all
Jahr	n.a.	ger
Bericht	Ber.	ger
Leistung-	Leist.	ger
chemisch-	chem.	ger
technolog-	technol.	mul
Journal de Trévoux Mém. Hist. Sci. B.-Arts J. Trévoux all
journal	j.	fre, eng
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications J. Algebra Its Appl. J. Algebra Appl. all
journal	j.	fre, eng
Algebra	n.a.	ger
álgebr-	algebr.	spa, fre, mul
applica-	appl.	fre, eng
Journal of Bisexuality J. Bisex. J. Bisexuality all
journal	j.	fre, eng
Journal of Cheminformatics J. Cheminform. J. Cheminformatics all
journal	j.	fre, eng
chemin-	n.a.	fre
Journal of Children's Orthopaedics J. Child.'s Orthop. J. Child. Orthop. all
journal	j.	fre, eng
children-	child.	eng
orthopaedi-	orthop.	eng
Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism J. Contemp. Antisemit. J. Contemp. Antisemitism all
journal	j.	fre, eng
contempor-	contemp.	fre, eng
Journal of Daylighting J. Daylight. J. Daylighting all
journal	j.	fre, eng
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition J. Exp. Psychol. Animal Learn. Cogn. J. Exp. Psychol.: Anim. Learn. Cogn. all
journal	j.	fre, eng
experiment-	exp.	fre, eng
psycholog-	psychol.	mul
animal-	anim.	fre
learn-	learn.	eng
cognit-	cogn.	mul
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied J. Exp. Psychol. Appl. J. Exp. Psychol.: Appl. all
journal	j.	fre, eng
experiment-	exp.	fre, eng
psycholog-	psychol.	mul
applied	appl.	eng
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General J. Exp. Psychol. Gen. J. Exp. Psychol.: Gen. all
journal	j.	fre, eng
experiment-	exp.	fre, eng
psycholog-	psychol.	mul
general-	gen.	fre, eng
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance J. Exp. Psychol. Hum. Percept. Perform. J. Exp. Psychol.: Hum. Percept. Perform. all
journal	j.	fre, eng
experiment-	exp.	fre, eng
psycholog-	psychol.	mul
human	hum.	eng, hun
perception	percept.	fre, eng
performance	perform.	fre, eng
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition J. Exp. Psychol. Learn. Mem. Cogn. J. Exp. Psychol.: Learn. Mem. Cogn. all
journal	j.	fre, eng
experiment-	exp.	fre, eng
psycholog-	psychol.	mul
learn-	learn.	eng
memor-	mem.	spa
memory-	mem.	eng
cognit-	cogn.	mul
Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. J. Geotech. Geoenvironmental Eng. all
journal	j.	fre, eng
geotechni-	geotech.	mul
engineer-	eng.	eng
Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) J. Hand Surg. Eur. Vol. J. Hand Surg. (Eur. Vol.) all
journal	j.	fre, eng
surgery	surg.	eng
europ-	eur.	mul
volum-	vol.	mul
Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe J. Manag. Bus. Adm. Cent. Eur. J. Manag. Bus. Adm., Cent. Eur. all
journal	j.	fre, eng
manag-	manag.	mul
-business	-bus.	eng
business	bus.	eng
administr-	adm.	mul
centrāl-	cent.	lav, mul
europ-	eur.	mul
Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery J. Neurointerv. Surg. J. NeuroInterventional Surg. all
journal	j.	fre, eng
surgery	surg.	eng
Journal of NeuroVirology J. Neurovirol. J. NeuroVirology all
journal	j.	fre, eng
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter J. Phys. Condens. Matter J. Phys.: Condens. Matter all
journal	j.	fre, eng
physics	phys.	eng
condens-	condens.	fre, eng
matter	n.a.	eng
Journal of Physics: Conference Series J. Phys. Conf. Ser. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. all
journal	j.	fre, eng
physics	phys.	eng
conferen-	conf.	fre, eng
serie	ser.	mul
series	ser.	eng
série-	sér.	fre
Journal of Substance Abuse and Addiction Treatment J. Subst. Abuse Treat. J. Subst. Abuse Addict. Treat. all
journal	j.	fre, eng
substanc-	subst.	por, fre, eng
abus-	abus.	eng, fre
addicti-	addict.	eng
treatment-	treat.	eng
Journal of World Prehistory J. World Prehist. J. World Prehistory all
journal	j.	fre, eng
world	n.a.	eng
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society J. Am. Oil Chem.' Soc. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. all
journal	j.	fre, eng
america-	am.	fre, eng
chemist-	chem.	eng
societ-	soc.	fre, eng
Journal of the West China Border Research Society J. West China Border Res. Soc. J. West China Bord. Res. Soc. all
journal	j.	fre, eng
west	n.a.	eng
China	n.a.	ger
border	bord.	eng
research-	res.	eng
societ-	soc.	fre, eng
Keel ja Kirjandus Keel Kirjand. Keel ja Kirjand. all
kirjandus-	kirjand.	est
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie Köln. Z. Soziol. Sozialpsychol. Köln. Z. Soziol. Sozialpsychologie all
Köln-	Köln.	ger
Kölner	Köln.	ger
Zeitschrift-	Z.	ger
Soziolog-	Soziol.	baq, ger
L'Atelier du roman Atelier Rom. Atelier du rom. all
roman	rom.	fre, hun
român-	rom.	rum, ita
Light: Science & Applications Light Sci. Appl. Light: Sci. Appl. all
light	n.a.	eng
light-	light.	eng
scienc-	sci.	fre, eng
applica-	appl.	fre, eng
Linear Algebra and Its Applications Linear Algebra and its Applications Linear Algebra Its Appl. Linear Algebra Appl. all
linear	n.a.	eng
Algebra	n.a.	ger
álgebr-	algebr.	spa, fre, mul
applica-	appl.	fre, eng
Los Angeles Review Los Angel. Rev. Angeles Rev. all
Los Angeles	Los Angel.	eng
Angel	n.a.	ger
review-	rev.	eng
Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici Mater. Discuss. Anal. Testi Class. Mater. discuss. anal. dei testi class. all
materia-	mater.	spa, lav, ita
material-	mater.	slo, lit
matéri-	matér.	fre
discussi-	discuss.	fre, eng
classic-	class.	eng
Materials Science and Engineering R: Reports Mater. Sci. Eng. R Rep. Mater. Sci. Eng. R: Rep. all
materia-	mater.	spa, lav, ita
material-	mater.	slo, lit
materials	mater.	eng
matéri-	matér.	fre
scienc-	sci.	fre, eng
engineer-	eng.	eng
report	rep.	eng, fre
Network: Computation in Neural Systems Netw. Comput. Neural Syst. Netw.: Comput. Neural Syst. all
network	netw.	eng
comput-	comput.	fre, eng
neural	n.a.	eng, fre
system-	syst.	fre, eng
NeuroImage: Clinical Neuroimage Clin. NeuroImage: Clin. all
clinic-	clin.	eng
Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. Otolaryngol.–Head Neck Surg. all
otolaryngolog-	otolaryngol.	mul
surgery	surg.	eng
PRAXIS: The Fletcher Journal of Human Security Praxis (Medford, Mass.) PRAX.: Fletcher J. Hum. Secur. all
praxis	prax.	mul
journal	j.	fre, eng
human	hum.	eng, hun
secur-	secur.	eng
PS – Political Science & Politics PS: Political Science & Politics PS Political Sci. Politics ps:Political Sci. Politics all
politi-	n.a.	mul, rum
scienc-	sci.	fre, eng
politi-	n.a.	mul, rum
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology Paleoceanogr. Paleoclimatol. Paleoceanogr. Paleoclimatology all
paleoceanograph-	paleoceanogr.	eng
-graph-	-gr.	eng
Pharmacology Research & Perspectives Pharmacol Res Perspect Pharmacol. Res. Perspect. all
pharmacolog-	pharmacol.	fre, eng
research-	res.	eng
perspectiv-	perspect.	mul
Philosopher's Annual The Philosopher's Annual Philos.'s Annu. Philos. Annu. all
philosoph-	philos.	mul
annu-	annu.	fre, eng
Philosophers' Imprint Philos.' Impr. Philos. Impr. all
philosoph-	philos.	mul
imprint	impr.	eng
Physics Physique Физика Phys. Phys. Fiz. Phys. Phys. Физика all
physics	phys.	eng
physique-	phys.	fre
Physics Research International Res. Lett. Phys. Phys. Res. Int. all
physics	phys.	eng
research-	res.	eng
internation-	int.	fre, eng
Physiotherapy: Theory and Practice Physiother. Theory Pract. Physiother.: Theory Pract. all
physiotherap-	physiother.	mul
theory	n.a.	eng
prac-	pr.	pol, cze
practi-	pract.	spa, eng
Poor Law Officers' Journal Poor Law Off.' J. Poor Law Off. J. all
offic-	off.	mul, fre
journal	j.	fre, eng
Prispevki za novejšo zgodovino Prispev. Novejso Zgod. Prisp. za novejšo zgodovino all
přispěv-	přisp.	cze
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. all
proceedings	proc.	eng
nat̡ional-	natl.	rum, fre, eng
academ-	acad.	spa, fre, eng
scienc-	sci.	fre, eng
Psihijatrija danas Psihijatr. Danas Psihijatr. dan. all
psihijatrija	psihijatr.	hrv
daň-	daň.	cze
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging Psychiatry Res. Neuroimaging Psychiatry Res.: Neuroimaging all
psychiatry	n.a.	eng
research-	res.	eng
ReScience C ReSci. C ReScience C all

Relations. Beyond Anthropocentrism Relat. Beyond Anthr. Relat., Beyond Anthr. all
relation	relat.	fre, eng
beyond	n.a.	eng
anthrop-	anthr.	gre
Reports and Transactions, Cardiff Naturalists' Society Rep. Trans. Cardiff Nat.' Soc. Rep. Trans. Cardiff Nat. Soc. all
report	rep.	eng, fre
transact-	trans.	mul
Cardiff	n.a.	eng
natural-	nat.	fre, eng
societ-	soc.	fre, eng
Res Publica (journal) Res Publica Res Publ. Res Publica all
public	n.a.	eng
pública	n.a.	spa
Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali Riv. Int. Sci. Soc. Riv. Internazionale Sci. Soc. all
rivista	riv.	ita
scienz-	sci.	ita
social	soc.	fre, eng
sociāl-	soc.	lav
Rossiyskaya arkheologiya Ross. Arkheol. Ross. arkheologiya all
rossi-	ross.	rus
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Nature's Home Nat.'s Home Nat. Home all
Natur	Nat.	ger
nature	nat.	fre, eng
Russian History (RAS journal) Russian History Ross. Istor. Russ. Hist. all
russi-	russ.	eng, fre
histor-	hist.	spa, fre, eng
SEL: Studies in English Literature 1500–1900 SEL Stud. Engl. Lit. 1500–1900 SEL: Stud. Engl. Lit. 1500–1900 all
Studie	Stud.	dut
studi	n.a.	ind
studi-	stud.	ind, nor
studies	stud.	eng
English	Engl.	eng
literat-	lit.	mul
Series of Unsurprising Results in Economics Ser. Unsurpris. Results Econ. Ser. Unsurprising Results Econ. all
serie	ser.	mul
series	ser.	eng
série-	sér.	fre
result	n.a.	eng
econom-	econ.	fre, eng
Simon Stevin (journal) Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. - Simon Stevin all
bulletin-	bull.	mul
Belgi-	Belg.	fre, eng
mathemat-	math.	fre, eng
societ-	soc.	fre, eng
Statistics and Its Interface Stat. Its Interface Stat. Interface all
statist-	stat.	mul
interface	n.a.	eng
Studi sul Settecento Romano Studi Settec. Rom. Studi Settec. Romano all
studi	n.a.	ind
studi-	stud.	ind, nor
settecent-	settec.	ita
romano	n.a.	spa
român-	rom.	rum, ita
Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications Teach. Math. Its Appl. Teach. Math. Appl. all
teaching	teach.	eng
mathemat-	math.	fre, eng
applica-	appl.	fre, eng
Text+Kritik Text+kritik Text Krit. Textkritik all
kriti-	krit.	ger, rus
kritik-	krit.	hun, lit
The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books Bull. Cent. Child.'s Books Bull. Cent. Child. Books all
bulletin-	bull.	mul
center	cent.	eng
children-	child.	eng
-book	-b.	eng
book	n.a.	eng
The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation Entomol.'s Rec. J. Var. Entomol. Rec. J. Var. all
entomolog-	èntomol.	mul, rus
record-	rec.	eng
journal	j.	fre, eng
variation-	var.	eng, fre
The Mariner's Mirror Mar.'s Mirror Mar. Mirror all
marin-	mar.	eng, fre, spa
mirror	n.a.	eng
The Mechanics' Institute Review Mech.' Inst. Rev. Mech. Inst. Rev. all
mechani-	mech.	eng, lat
institut	inst.	mul
institute	inst.	eng
review-	rev.	eng
Theory of Probability and Its Applications Theory Probab. Its Appl. Theory Probab. Appl. all
theory	n.a.	eng
probabilit-	probab.	fre, eng
applica-	appl.	fre, eng
Thinking Skills and Creativity Think. Skills Creativity Think. Ski. Creat. all
thinking	think.	eng
ski-	ski.	eng, fre
créat-	creat.	fre, mul
Topology and Its Applications Topol. Its Appl. Topol. Appl. all
topolog-	topol.	eng
applica-	appl.	fre, eng
Toxicology in Vitro Toxicol. In Vitro Toxicol. Vitro all
toxicolog-	toxicol.	fre, eng
toxicology	toxicol.	eng
in vitro	n.a.	mul,ext
vitr-	vitr.	fre
Transgender Health Transgend. Health Transgender Health all
heal-	heal.	eng
health	n.a.	eng
University of Canterbury Faculty of Law Canterbury Law Review Canterbury L.Rev. Canterb. Law Rev. all
Canterbury	Canterb.	eng
review-	rev.	eng
Update: Applications of Research in Music Education UPDATE: Applications of Research in Music Education Update Appl. Res. Music Educ. UPDATE: Appl. Res. Music Educ. all
updat-	updat.	eng
update	n.a.	eng
applica-	appl.	fre, eng
research-	res.	eng
music-	music.	fre, eng
educa-	educ.	eng, spa, fre
Victorian Carnivorous Plant Society Inc. Vic. Carniv. Plant Soc. Inc. Vic. Carniv. Plant Soc. Inc, all
Victoria	Vic.	eng
victor	n.a.	eng
victorian	vic.	eng
carnivor-	carniv.	fre, eng
plant	n.a.	eng, fre
plán-	plán.	cze
societ-	soc.	fre, eng
Warburg Institute Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes J. Warburg Courtauld Inst. J. Warbg. Court. Inst. all
journal	j.	fre, eng
Warburg-	Warbg.	ger
-burg	-bg.	mul
court-	court.	fre, eng
institut	inst.	mul
institute	inst.	eng
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science Wiley Interdiscip. Rev. Cogn. Sci. Wiley Interdiscip. Rev.: Cogn. Sci. all
interdisciplin-	interdiscip.	eng, fre
review-	rev.	eng
cognit-	cogn.	mul
scienc-	sci.	fre, eng
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science Wiley Interdiscip. Rev. Comput. Mol. Sci. Wiley Interdiscip. Rev.: Comput. Mol. Sci. all
interdisciplin-	interdiscip.	eng, fre
review-	rev.	eng
comput-	comput.	fre, eng
molecul-	mol.	fre, eng
scienc-	sci.	fre, eng
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine Wiley Interdiscip. Rev. Syst. Biol. Med. Wiley Interdiscip. Rev.: Syst. Biol. Med. all
interdisciplin-	interdiscip.	eng, fre
review-	rev.	eng
system-	syst.	fre, eng
bìolog-	biol.	ukr, mul
-medic-	-med.	mul,ext
medicīn-	med.	lav, mul
mèdic	mèd.	cat
Zoosystematica Rossica Zoosyst. Ross. Zoosystematica Ross. all
rossi-	ross.	rus
Zoosystematics and Evolution Zoosyst. Evol. Zoosystematics Evol. all
evolut-	evol.	fre, eng

Wrong language rules?


First 50 mismatches where just changing the language between 'eng' and 'all' would give a match (this affect which rules from the LTWA are used). This means that either the bot wrongly guessed the language to use (based on country and lang infobox params), or that the editor applied non-English rules to an English title.

page title infobox title infobox abbrv bot guess IJ lang IJ country bot lang matching LTWA patterns
Capitalism: A Journal of History and Economics Capitalism Capital.: J. Hist. Econ. United States all
capitali-	capital.	spa
journal	j.	fre, eng
histor-	hist.	spa, fre, eng
econom-	econ.	fre, eng
Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History Kritika Krit.: Explor. Russ. Eurasian Hist. all
kriti-	krit.	ger, rus
kritik-	krit.	hun, lit
explor-	explor.	eng
russi-	russ.	eng, fre
Eurasia	n.a.	ger
-asia	n.a.	fin
histor-	hist.	spa, fre, eng
Tragovi: Journal for Serbian and Croatian Topics Tragovi Trag.: J. Serb. Croat. Top. [[Serbo-Croatian]] [[Croatia]] all
tragovi	trag.	bos
journal	j.	fre, eng
Sèrbia	Sèrb.	ita
croati-	croat.	eng, fre, lat
topic-	top.	eng

with existing redirects marked as ISO-4

page title infobox title infobox abbrv bot guess IJ lang IJ country bot lang matching LTWA patterns
Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer Genes Chromosom. Cancer Genes Chromosomes Cancer all
chromosom-	chromosom.	mul
chromosome	n.a.	fre
cancer	n.a.	fre, eng
Musicae Scientiae (journal) Musicae Scientiae Music. Sci. Musicae Sci. all
music-	music.	fre, eng
música	n.a.	spa
scient-	sci.	fre, eng
Outre-Mers (journal) Outre-Mers. Revue d'histoire Outre-Mers O.-M., Rev. hist. French France all
outre-mer	o.-m.	fre
revue-	rev.	fre
Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology Pflügers Arch. Pflüg. Arch.: Eur. J. Physiol. [[English language{{!}}English]], [[German language{{!}}German]] Germany all
Pflüger	Pflüg.	ger
archi-	arch.	spa
archiv-	arch.	mul
archív	arch.	slo
europ-	eur.	mul
journal	j.	fre, eng
physiolog-	physiol.	mul
The Cimarron Review Cimarron Rev. C. Rev. English United States all
cím-	c.	hun
review-	rev.	eng