The mystery of life and our purpose here on earth.

It is said in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth that the soul is stuck on a cycle of expansion until it is filled with enough light to find its way past the dweller of darkness. In laymen terms we must learn how to become Shepards instead of sheep we must be beacons of light amongst our fellow brothers and sisters only then can we have the chance of immortality in the fire of creation. Our thoughts and words are our weapons to create our reality but we have forgotten the word and our minds are full of propaganda so our thoughts are not our own. This system has been designed to distract us from our divine spiritual destinies so the souls of humanity are stuck in a cycle of perpetual karmic debt keeping them bound here as slaves to the system. It is said that Thoth reincarnated here 100's of times before he was given the key to eternal life, whether you believe this or not it is very interesting to think and talk about because the mysteries of life can be found within. We are born of the light but into a world ruled by darkness it is your Souls contract to bring fourth the darkness into the light, meaning you must learn how to free yourself and others from the grip of the beast system and truly master your spiritual, mental and physical self. For life to be eternal time must exist however the thought that created existence is not bound by time nor existence it is none physical but creates all physical things, as above so below as within so without the tree cannot branch out to the beautiful Heavens above unless it spreads its roots into the horrific depths of Hell. If our souls seek to unite with the source of creation then we shall be immortal and at one with the all. The physical body comes into existence because of the none physical Soul everything has a polar opposite but the polarity of the human individuals has been altered by the mind of man. We must learn to live in the light to over come the darkness of night live in love instead of fear spread positivity instead of negativity be kind instead of greedy because only then will be walking the path of our spiritual destiny. Life is like a constant loop of yin and yang positive and negative good and bad hot and cold masculine and feminine sun and moon. I'm not claiming to know the secrets of the universe because I don't even know myself but I'm having fun finding out. It is seemingly impossible to know what you believe is 100% true because there are so many counter concepts that have counter concepts and this goes for all so called truths, however there is a kind of truth that you don't have to believe because you feel it to be true it's like a beautiful piece of music it gets inside you and dances with your soul. The point of this little head scratcher is to never stop looking for answers until you find the ones that fit inside the puzzle of your soul 🙏❤️🕉