User:Tony24644/1st National Congress of the Communist Party of Indochina

The "First Congress of the Indochinese Communist Party" or the "First National Congress of the Indochinese Communist Party" took place from March 27 to 31, 1935, in the colony of Macau. A total of 13 official delegates attended the congress, representing 500 party members within the country and overseas party branches.

Historical Context


The First National Congress of the Indochinese Communist Party occurred when the communist forces within the country had almost been completely eradicated following the "White Terror" campaign by the French after the Nghệ-Tĩnh Soviets. However, these forces had gradually begun to recover. The 1st Central Committee of the Indochinese Communist Party instructed the convening of the party congress.


  • The congress highly evaluated the victories of the Party in restoring its organizational system.
  • The congress acknowledged:
 1. The Political Thesis of October 1930
 2. The Operational Program of June 1932
 3. Review of the revolutionary movement and revolutionary leadership (1932-1935)
  • The congress proposed three specific tasks:
 1. Building and developing the Party
    * Developing the Party's base in factories, enterprises, mines, and urban areas...
    * Recruiting outstanding members from the working class into the Party
    * Promoting self-criticism and criticism within the Party
 2. Gathering the masses
    * Developing women's associations, minority groups...
    * Establishing a united national front
 3. Intensifying the struggle against imperialist wars

The congress also passed the Political Resolution, the Party Charter, and:

  • Resolutions on mobilizing workers, peasants, soldiers, youth, and women.
  • Resolutions on work among minority ethnic groups.
  • Resolutions on the Red Self-Defense Corps and the Red Relief Corps.

The congress elected the 1st Central Committee of the Indochinese Communist Party consisting of 13 members (9 official members and 4 alternate members). Lê Hồng Phong was elected as General Secretary. Nguyen Ai Quoc (Ho Chi Minh) was appointed as the representative of the Indochinese Communist Party to the Third International.


  • The congress marked the restoration and development of the Party organization.
  • It prepared for the success of subsequent movements.

The First National Congress of the Party is considered a milestone marking an important development of the Party. The Party had restored its organizational system from the Central to the local levels, reinstating the regional committees in Tonkin, Annam, and French Cochinchina, and gradually reviving and developing its mass organizations.

The congress was a crucial milestone for the survival of the Indochinese Communist Party because all other organizations and parties, such as the Việt_Nam_Quang_Phục_Hội and the Việt Nam Quốc Dân Đảng, had ceased operations or were severely limited in their activities due to suppression by the French colonial empire], with their domestic bases completely crushed, leaving only overseas operations.




See Also

== References ==
  • Ho Chi Minh, Complete Works.
  • General History of Vietnam, Volume 3, Education Publishing House.
== External Links ==

{{Communist Party of Vietnam Congress}}

