User:Tony414/Console/franchise availability

Console/franchise availability refers to how a video game franchise is available on its developer's console.

Console/franchise availability on Nintendo


Nintendo has made its franchises only available on its consoles.

Franchise NES Game Boy Super NES Virtual Boy Nintendo 64 Game Boy Color Game Boy Advance Nintendo GameCube Nintendo DS Nintendo Wii Nintendo 3DS Wii U
1080°  N  N
Advance Wars/Battalion Wars/Wars series  N
(Japan only)
(Japan only)
(Japan only)
(Japan only)
 N/2  N  N/2  N
Animal Crossing  N
(Japan only)
 N  N  N  N
Brain Age  N/2
Custom Robo  N/2
(Japan only)
(Japan only)
 N  N
Donkey Kong  N/4  N/4  N/3  N/2  N  N/4  N  N/2  N/2
Donkey Konga  N/3
(some Japan only)
Dr. Mario  N  N
Excitebike  NLT  N  NLT/2
Earthbound/Mother  N
(Japan only)
 N  N/2
(Japan only)
Fire Emblem  N/2
(Japan only)
(Japan only)
(some Japan only)
 N  N/2
(some Japan only)
 N  N
F-Zero  NLT  N  N/2  N
Golden Sun  N/2  N
Kirby  N  N/5  N/5
(some Japan only)
 N  N  N/2  N  N/4  N/2
Kid Icarus  N  N  N
The Legendary Starfy  N/3
(Japan only)
(Japan only)
The Legend of Zelda  N/2  N  N  N/2  N/3  N/2  N/3  N/2  NLT/2  N  N
Luigi's Mansion  NLT  N
Mario  NLT/4
(some Japan only)
 NLT/2  NLT/2  NLT  N  N  N/3  N/2  N

