User:Topbanana/Reports/This image may be GFDL but not properly marked as such



The list below shows images that look like they may be GDFL, but which are not properly marked up as such. It was generated on the 30th September 2004 from the 20th Septemver 2004 database dump.



GFDL images can be distributed under the same license as the text of wikipedia. The more images that can be distributed under the GFDL, the better. Check the images below and marke them as being GFDL if (and only if!) you're sure this is the case.

Regenerating this report


This report is generated from an enhanced Link Analysis Database. For the script to recreate it, see User:Topbanana/Reports/This image may be GFDL but not properly marked as such/SQL.

Suggested improvements


This needs to be re-run, as many images have been fixed since it was run and not marked here. Thanks! JesseW 04:32, 20 Nov 2004 (UTC)



Image summary


The database used to generate this report contained entries for 95037 images, of which:

  • 14503 contain the {{GFDL}} template
  • 23 link directly to Category:GFDL images. Excludes images in preceding categories. Members are listed below.
  • 87 link to the GNU Free Documentation License article. Excludes images in preceding categories. Members are listed below.
  • 657 link to redirects to the the GNU Free Documentation License article. Excludes images in preceding categories. Members are listed below.
  • 14472 contain the text 'GFDL' or 'GNU FDL'. Excludes images in preceding categories. Members are not listed below (too many to fit on one page!)
  • 65295 are in none of the above categories