Midland WR100. The Midland WR100 is a weather alert radio made by Midland. The Midland WR100 was made in 2002, where the very fist models had a black and silver shell, no public alert logo on the top left corner of the faceplate, and said (SAME DIGITAL WEATHER / HAZARD ALERT MONITOR) and having the green statement light and yellow watch light and are now considered extremely rare for EAS Community members. [1] In 2003 Midland started making white shells instead of the black and silver shells. The reason behind the color change of the radios are unknown. The white Midland wr100's that started in 2003 still had no public alert logo on the top left corner of the faceplate, green statement light, yellow watch light. But a change was made to the text at the bottom of the shell which was changed to (S.A.M.E. DIGITAL WEATHER / HAZARD ALERT MONITOR) this version is also considered extremely rare to the EAS Community. [2] In 2004 Midland introduced yet again another version for the Midland WR100's which now had public alert logo's on the top left corner of the faceplate, orange watch lights and yellow advisory lights and also said on the shell (S.A.M.E. DIGITAL WEATHER / ALL HAZARDS ALERT MONITOR) [3] these newer versions were the version 3, version 4, and version 5. The version 4 [4] and 5 saying (S.A.M.E. DIGITAL WEATHER / ALL HAZARDS ALERT RADIO) and the version 5's having the newer NOAA WEATHER RADIO/NWR logo on the top right of the faceplate. [5] versions of the black and silver were mostly version 1's but some version 2 black and silver's were made which were even more rare then version 1 black and silver's because there was a small amount of version 2 black and silver's ever made. The version 2 white Midland WR100's were mostly made in version 2's but a very very low amount of version 1 white Midland WR100'S were made which are basically unheard-of by the EAS Community as only a few members of the community own one such as Reecom Recon. [6]

This Wikipedia Page Was Made By Torracat EAS.


