Toshiconan is a pro-illustrator also known as Toshi Ota who lives in Montreal. He paints artworks inspired by Quantum Mechanics and calls them QMArt. He believes in zen dogma, “dokusei dokushi dokkyo dokurai”, meaning “I was born alone, I will die alone, I will leave the universe alone, and return to another universe alone to repeat massless, timeless, spaceless torus shaped Möbius circles with infinite fractal twists that I can see happening now when I become nil all alone. ”

Light(=never changing value) is a ring that travells many universes. Everything else (mass=fractal vibrations of magnetic field, time, space, probability, number=byproduct of mass, consciousness=fractal patterns of electrons) is a stationary value of relativity and gives twisted(like fraction bar) illusionary fractal(Zn+1=Zn2+c)twinkles (=our entangled universe) to the ring. So be kind!

<E=zn2+c/zn+1¤HC2 (Energy equals curl of magnetic field fractal multiplied by C square)> Numbers are by-product of mass. Everything that requires numbers to assess such as size, distance, weitht, time does not exist in a massless field.

Philosophy of the work.

Imagine a pond filled with stationary, massless, distanceless, timeless, consciousless photons. A raindrop(=accidental imbalance) forms fractal ripples(=spontaneous symmetry breakings) to cause curls of magnetic fields, curls of electric fields, that create masses, then consciousness(=fractal curls of electrons in the brain that also produce notion of distance; by-products of masses). This is the universe where we live in. This process is repeated infinite times. Blackholes are magnetic monopoles where S and N are inverted reaching to other universes.

Wikimedia art by Toshiconan Freedom male nude artworks by Toshiconan