Only [[Image:{name}]] is required. Most images should use
[[Image:{name}|thumb|Example image caption]] (and should not specify a size). The other details are optional and can be placed in any order.
Type - 'thumb' / 'thumbnail' or 'frame'. Causes image to be displayed with specific formatting (see below).
Location - 'right', 'left', 'center' or 'none'. Determines placement of the image on the page. Defaults to 'right'.
Size - {width}px or {width}x{height}px, scales the image to be no greater than the given width and height, keeping its aspect ratio.
Upright - for use only on images that are taller than they are wide. This scales the image differently, considering both width
and height instead of only width.
Border - adds a border around the image
Caption - Any element which cannot be identified as one of the above is assumed to be caption text.