My name is Ian Maclean and I care about truth. Not 'my truth' or 'your truth', but truth that is the same for everyone.
To anyone concerned about my credentials for editing pages, here are some points:
- IQ: the only time it has been measured was at school where it scored 140+. No-one told me at the time (wisely!) and only a visit to my old housemaster around age 40 revealed the score. He said they did not classify scores higher than 140.
- I was awarded the Lockheed Scholarship to St. Catherine's College, Oxford, to read Physics in 1971.
- I am now 72 (in 2024) and have put my life to good use exploring philosophies that WORK! I meditate on my reality, which I see as the universal E in E=mc2, of which everything is made. cf. The Christian Creed, Hindu Paramatma, Natraj statue at CERN, etc. The other side of Einstein's equation is matter and motion, the MAYA of life! N.B. Physicists just need to identify that the E includes the property of consciousness, and we have a philosophy that underlies everyone and everything!
I hope that gives you confidence that I give a little thought, and bring a little experience, to anything I edit.