Luohan quan (simplified Chinese: 罗汉拳; traditional Chinese: 羅漢拳; pinyin: Luóhànquán), which means "Arhat fist", is a general name for all the styles of Chinese martial arts that are named after the Arhats, the holy Buddhist figures. Luohan style is the oldest and the representative style of Shaolin Kung Fu. The original roots of Luohan style date back to the early eras of Shaolin temple. In Shaolin temple, there are various Luohan styles. Besides the Shaolin Luohan styles, there are many Luohan-related styles that have been developed in many other areas of China. Shaolin Luohan 18 hands and Luohan quan are always praised as the root styles based on which most of the Shaolin kung fu styles and many other non-Shaolin styles have been created.

(simplified Chinese: 罗汉拳; traditional Chinese: 羅漢拳; pinyin: Luóhànquán) bedeutet "Faust des Arhat(L)" und ist ein Überbegriff für alle Stile der chinesischen Kampfkünste, die nach den heiligen buddhistischen Arhats benannt wurden. Der Luohan-Stil ist der ältesteste und der representative Stil des Shaolin Kung Fu. Die ursprünglichen Wurzeln des Luohan-Stils reichen bis in die ersten Epochen des Shaolin-Tempels zurück. In dem Shaolin-Tempel gibt es verschiedene Luohan-Stile. Außerdem haben sich zusätzlich zu den Shaolin-Luohan-Stilen viele mit Luohan verwandte Stile in vielen anderen Bereichen Chinas entwickelt. Shaolin Luohan 18 Hände und Luohan quan werden als die Ursprungs-Stile bezeichnet, auf denen die moisten Shaolin Kung Fu Stile und viele andere chinesichen Kampfkunsttile basieren.

Luohan and Shaolin


Enlightenment (Nirvana) is one of the first concepts of Buddhism. The name Luohan, the Chinese equivalent of the Sanskrit (Indian) word Arhat, refers to those who have achieved enlightenment. Therefore, the ultimate goal of the monks of Shaolin temple, in particular, has always been to reach the level of becoming Luohans. Therefore, the Luohan(s) have always been holy icon(s) in the daily life and martial art of Shaolin temple monks. As far as related to Shaolin temple martial arts, the names Luohan quan and Shaolin quan are often considered synonyms and therefore interchangeable.

Die Erleuchtung (Nirvana) ist eines der ersten Konzepte des Buddhismus. Der Name Luohan, das chinesische Äquivalent zu den Sanskrit (indischen) Wort Arhat bezeichnet diejenigen, die die Erleuchtung erreicht haben. Daher war das finale Ziel der Mönche des Shaolin-Tempels schon immer, das Niveau eines Luohan zu erreichen. Die Luohans waren schon immer heilige Vorbilder im Alltag und in der Kampfkunst der Mönche des Shaolin-Tempels. In Bezug auf Kampfkünste des Shaolin-Tempels werden Luohan quan und Shaolin quan oft als Synonyme verwendet.

Luohan's 18 hands


There are various Luohan's 18 hands styles. These are the most important ones: Es gibt viele verschiedene Stile der 18 Hände des Luohan. Dies sind die wichtigsten:

Shaolin Luohan's 18 hands


A myth states that Bodhidharma, while visiting the Shaolin Temple taught the monks a series of exercises. Whether this story is right or wrong, based on Buddhist teachings, by observing and imitating the forms and expressions of Arhat statues in the temple, meditation and practice, those ancient exercises later evolved into a combat form called "18 hands of Luohan" (罗汉十八手; luohan shi ba shou),[1]: vol2,p2 [2] which is the oldest documented, systematized style of Shaolin Kung Fu.[2] According to the historical official text of Shaolin temple, "Shaolin Kung fu Manual" (少林拳谱; shao lin quan pu), in the Sui dynasty (581-618 AD) Shaolin monks had a selected set of 18 simple movements; until the Tang dynasty (618-907 AD) the set had developed into 18 martial postures, that were combined into a form (套路; tao lu); the number of the postures increased to 36 until the early Song dynasty (960 AD); and in the Jin-Yuan dynasty (1115-1368 AD) it was developed into 173 movements; finally, in the Ming dynasty the system of the 18 hands of Luohan was completed in 18 forms, each form having 18 postures, making a total of 324 postures.[1]: vol2,p2 [3]: p1  In Shaolin, this style is called "inborn Luohan's 18 hands" (先天罗汉十八手; xian tian luo han shi ba shou),[2][4] because it was the style with which Shaolin kung fu was born. Monk Shi Deqian, in his efforts to document Shaolin martial arts collected 8 forms of the 18 hands of Luohan into his "Encyclopedia of Shaolin martial arts".[1]: vol2,p2-36  Of these forms, most lineages of Shaolin monks have mostly kept only one form, mostly the first,[2] or the eighth[4] form. Shaolin Luohan's 18 hands movements are simple and straight. The methods are mostly done by the palms of the hands. Fists, hook hands, and other hand gestures and kicks are less used. Luohan's 18 hands are considered the elementary forms in Shaolin kung fu.

Ein Mythos besagt, dass Bodhidharma (Link) den Mönchen eine Reihe von Experimenten gezeigt hat, während er in dem Shaolin-Tempel zu Besuch war. Unabhängig davon, ob diese Geschichte wahr ist, haben sich diese uralten Übungen später zu den 18 Händen des Luohan weiterentwickelt, durch die Imitation der Gestalten und Ausdrücke der Arhatstatuen im Shaolin-Tempel, Training und Meditation, alles basierend auf der buddhistischen Lehre. Die 18 Hände des Luohan ist der älteste dokumentierte systematische Kampfstil des Shaolin Kung Fu. Laut dem offiziellen historischen Text des Shaolin-Tempels, das "Shaolin Kung Fu Handbuch", haben die Mönche in der Sui Dynastie (581-618 n.Chr.) eine Reihe von 18 einfachen Bewegungen ausgewählt. Bis zur Tang Dynastie (618-907 n.Chr.) hatte sich diese Reihe in 18 Kampfhaltungen weiterentwickelt, die in einer Form kombiniert wurden. Bis zur frühen Song-Dynastie (960 n.Chr.) gab es bereits 36 Haltungen. Von der Jin-Dynastie (1115-1234) bis zur Yuan-Dynastie (1234-1368) entwickelte es sich zu 173 Bewegungen. In der Ming Dynastie wurde das System der 18 Hände des Luohan schließlich vervollständigt, mit insgesamt 18 Formen bestehend aus jeweils 18 Haltungen, also insgesamt 324 Haltungen. In Shaolin wird dieser Stil auch "die angeborenen 18 Hände des Luohans" genannt, weil Shaolin Kung Fu daraus basierend "geboren" wurde. Bei seinen Bemühungen die Kampfkünste der Shaolin zu dokumentieren, hat Mönch Shi Deqian acht Haltungen der 18 Hände des Luohan in seine "Enzyklopädie der Shaolin-Kampfkünste" übernommen. Die meisten Abstammungen der Shaolinmönche haben überwiegend nur eine Form beibehalten, und zwar überwiegend die erste oder die achte Haltung. Die Bewegungen der 18 Hände des Luohan sind einfach und geradlinig. Die Techniken werden meist mit der Handfläche ausgeführt. Fäuste, Hakenhände, andere Handhaltungen und Tritte werden seltener verwendet. Die 18 Hände des Luohan werden als die grundlegenden Formen im Shaolin Kung Fu angesehen.

Shaolin/Hua quan Luohan's 18 hands


There is another Luohan's 18 hands style which is different from the original Shaolin Luohan's 18 hands but is more famous. This Luohan's 18 hands style has 18 different methods, consisted of 6 different methods of fist, 1 method of elbow, 2 methods of palm, 4 methods of leg, and 5 methods of joint locking.[1]: vol2,p1038-61 [3]: p80-124 [5] Of these 18 methods, a form of 24 movements for attack and defense is developed, which can be performed as a solo form[1]: vol2,p36-55 [6] or as a duet form.[1]: vol4,p106-35 [5][7] This style is originally from the Hua quan style of Shandong province, was brought to the Louyang area of Henan Province (close to Shaolin Temple) and was later adopted into the Shaolin curriculum, along with its sister set Ba Bu Lian Huan Quan.[8]

Shaolin Guard the Mountain of Child Gate Luohan's 18 hands


Guard the Mountain of Child Gate Luohan's 18 hands (护山子门罗汉十八手; hu shan zi men luo han shi ba shou)[1]: vol2,p.55–61 [3]: p67-79 [9] is a less known Luohan's 18 hands style. This style has 32 movements, which in total make 18 postures.[1]: vol2,p.55–61 [3]: p67-79 [9]

Shaolin Luohan's 18 hands of Dengfeng area


There is another less known Luohan's 18 hands style that has been passed down by Li Gensheng (李根生), a famous master from Dengfeng county near Shaolin.[10]: p256  The 18 movements[10]: p256-271  of this style are very similar to the first form of one version of Shaolin 18 Luohan quan. These kinds of movements are also used in the Tong Bi quan style of the western courtyard of Shaolin temple.

Luohan quan


There are various Luohan quan styles. These are the most important ones:

Shaolin Luohan quan


Luohan quan is considered a completely pure Buddhist Shaolin style. It is the most famous, and of the most important styles of Shaolin kung fu. Shaolin monks developed Luohan quan as an advanced style based on the 18 hands of Luohan.[1]: vol2,p188  Luohan quan has been created in the early ages of Shaolin temple, but it was first officially documented by Shaolin monks in the "Shaolin Kung Fu Manual" in the early years of the Song dynasty in 960s AD.[1]: vol2,p188  This style has two forms called small (; xiao) and big (; da) Luohan quan, which are considered the oldest excellent styles of Shaolin temple.[2][11][12][13] Small Luohan quan[13] has 27 postures[14]/36 movements[11][12] and big Luohan quan[15][16] has about 36 postures/54 movements. Big Luohan quan is traditionally called "golden child small Luohan quan" (金童小罗汉拳; jin tong xiao luo han quan).[17]

Shaolin small and big Luohan quans are also practiced by the folk people of Dengfeng area around Shaolin in a less Luohan-imitative version,[1]: vol2,pp188,194 [18] which drops out or simplifies the Luohan-imitating postures of the original Shaolin Luohan quan. They have extended the big Luohan quan with an additional part[17] to make it 3 parts.[1]: vol2  Shi Deyang, 31st generation Shaolin monk talks about 6 forms of big Luohan quan,[11] but most people only know these 3 parts.

Shaolin Luohan quan movements, though simple, are highly advanced and deceptive. Attack and defense are masked by Luohan Buddhist postures and come out from unlikely angles.

Shaolin 18 Luohan quan


During the centuries, Luohan quan was developed. A major contribution was by monk Jue Yuan and two others named Li Sou and Bai Yufeng. Finally, as a result of the developments since the Jin and Yuan dynasties until the middle and late Ming dynasty, a Luohan quan system of 18 forms was created,[19] one form for each one of the famous Luohans, which at those times had increased in number to 18 in Chan Buddhism.[20] In this style, each Luohan form is divided into 3 sections, so it has 54 sections in total.[10]: p296 [21]: p105  This style is less imitative than small&big Luohan quan style and has given up or, at least, transformed many of the famous Luohan-imitating postures. 18 Luohan quan, though very famous, is rarely known.[19] Even inside Shaolin, only a few people in each generation inherit this style completely.[19] There are different versions of 18 Luohan quan. One version[19] has 18 forms for the 18 Luohans, while there are other versions with 9 long forms which altogether represent 18 Luohan characters. As an estimation of the diversity, just notice that Shaolin monk Shi Degen (1914-1970) taught 3 seemingly different versions to 3 of his disciples, Liu Zhenhai,[10]: p296-345 [22] Shi Yongwen,[21]: p104-236  and Zhu Tianxi.[23]

Shaolin Luohan's 108 methods of combat


The "108 combat methods of Arhat" is a set of 108 fighting methods of hitting and grappling (throwing, locking, and take-downs), which have been created and developed by Shaolin monks of various generations.[1]: vol4,p2-78 [24] There are also a few smaller and a bigger such set of "360 combat methods of Arhat" in Shaolin.[2][13]

Other Luohan styles


There is a famous saying, "all martial arts under heaven originated from Shaolin," and all styles at Shaolin originated from Luohan 18 hands and Luohan quan. Because of the historical and technical effects of Shaolin temple on other styles, Luohan styles of Shaolin are the roots of many many other styles.[8] There are many styles with the name Luohan quan created and developed outside of Shaolin temple:[20] In Henan province which Shaolin temple is located, there are several Luohan quans. In the nearby provinces of Hebei and Shandong, in the southern provinces of Zhejiang and Fujian, and the southwestern province of Sichuan, where Emei mountain is located, and also in south China sea area there are many different Luohan styles. For example, in Fujian there are more than 5 different Luohan quans recognized.[20] The Luohan's 18 hands style of Hua quan from Shandong province is also very famous, so that it is even practiced by some lineages of Shaolin monks. Some of these Luohan styles have over exaggerated Luohan imitating tastes, while some do not have any Luohan-looking characteristics.

andere Luohan Stile


Es gibt ein altes Sprichtwort; "jeder Kampfsport unter den Himmel stammten aus Shaolin" und jeder Art in Shaolin stammten aus Luohan 18 Hände und Lohan quan. Wegen der historischen und technischen Wirkungen von Shoalin Tempel auf andere Stile, sind die Luohan Stile die Würzeln von vielen verschiedenen Stilarten.[8] Es gibt viele Stile mit dem Name Luohan quan, die außer der Shaolin Tempelprovinz erstellt werden und entwickelt haben:[20] In Henan .


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Shi Deqian (1995). 少林寺武術百科全書 (Encyclopedia of Shaolin martial arts) - 4 volumes. ISBN 9787806000991.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Shi Deyang (2005). The Original Boxing Tree Of Traditional Shaolin Kung Fu series: The Eighteen Arhat Skills (video). Archived from the original on 2021-12-21.
  3. ^ a b c d Shi Deqian (1990). 少林罗汉十八手 (Shaolin Luohan's 18 hands). ISBN 9787810033053.
  4. ^ a b Shi Yanlu. The Boxing Book of Shaolin Temple, Song Mountain series: Shaolin Xiantian Arhat Eighteen Skills (video). Archived from the original on 2021-12-21.
  5. ^ a b Cai Longyun (1986). The Eighteen Arhat Methods of Shaolin Kung Fu. ISBN 9789622380318.
  6. ^ He Jungang (2005). 华拳系列 罗汉十八手 (Hua quan series - Luohan's 18 hands) (video).
  7. ^ He Jungang (2005). 华拳系列 罗汉十八手对练 (Hua quan series - Luohan's 18 hands duet) (video).[dead YouTube link]
  8. ^ a b c Canzonieri, Sal (2014). The Hidden History of the Chinese Internal Martial Arts: Exploring the Mysterious Connections Between Long Fist Boxing and the Origins and Roots of Bagua Zhang, Taiji Quan, Xingyi Quan, and more. ISBN 9781490430713.
  9. ^ a b Shi Deqian. The Boxing Book of Shaolin Temple, Song Mountain series: Shaolin Hu Shan Zi Men Arhat Eighteen Skills and Actual Combat (video).
  10. ^ a b c d Liu Zhenhai; Wang Xigan (1996). 少林传统套路精选 (Shaolin selected traditional forms). ISBN 9787534917530.
  11. ^ a b c Shi Deyang (2004). The Original Boxing Tree Of Traditional Shaolin Kung Fu series: Shaolin Ba Duan Jin (video).[dead YouTube link]
  12. ^ a b Shi Deyang (2004). The Original Boxing Tree Of Traditional Shaolin Kung Fu series: Bodhidharma Channel-Changing Scripture (video).[dead YouTube link]
  13. ^ a b c Shi Deyang (2004). The Original Boxing Tree Of Traditional Shaolin Kung Fu series: Small Arhat Boxing (video). Archived from the original on 2021-12-21.
  14. ^ Wu Bin; Li Xingdong; Yu Gongbao (1995). Essentials of Chinese Wushu. ISBN 9787119014777.
  15. ^ Shi Dejun (2006). The Shaolin Traditional Kungfu series: Shaolin Big Arhat Quan (video).[dead YouTube link]
  16. ^ Shi Deci (2004). The Real Chinese Traditional Shao Lin Kung Fu: Shaolin Arhat Fist (video).[dead YouTube link]
  17. ^ a b Liu Zhenhai, Shi Xingsen (2005). 金童小罗汉拳 (golden child small Luohan quan) (video). Archived from the original on 2021-12-21.
  18. ^ Zhang Shijie (2007). Shaolin Arhat Boxing (video).[dead YouTube link]
  19. ^ a b c d Shi Yantong (Jan 2003). "少林罗汉拳(1-10路) (Shaolin Luohan quan- forms 1-10)". Boxing&Fight.
  20. ^ a b c d "Luohan Quan". Taiping Institute. Archived from the original on 2 January 2015. Retrieved 8 March 2015.
  21. ^ a b Shi Yongwen (1989). 少林寺武术教材 (Shaolin temple wushu instructionals), vol. 1. ISBN 9787534707353.
  22. ^ Liu Zhenhai (2005). 正宗少林武术系列 少林罗汉拳一-七路 (traditional Shaolin wushu series: Shaolin Luohan quan, forms 1-7) (videos).
  23. ^ Zhu Tianxi (2008). 少林羅漢拳 (Shaolin Luohan quan). ISBN 9789881717283.
  24. ^ Shi Deyu (Liu Yuzeng) (1991). 少林罗汉散打一百零八招 (Shaolin Luohan combat 108 methods). ISBN 9787534908262.

Category:Chinese martial arts Category:Buddhist martial arts