User:Tustin2121/And then Reagan Happened

Ronald Reagan was the United States' most influential president. Since 1980, when he was elected into office, here's all of the things he screwed up, in no particular order.

Theocratic Politics

  • Starting the Conservative Evangelical movement in politics - Reagan started the Republican party towards Evangelicism and Christian Nationalism, which directly lead into all the terrible conspiracy stuff we have today. [1]
  • The AIDS Pandemic - No elaboration needed, but I will anyway. He refused to do anything about AIDS for the first several years of the pandemic because HIV/AIDS was characterized as a problem that only affected gay men. As a result, we've lost years of progress in terms of acceptance and human rights.
  • Vetoed the Fairness Doctrine - He vetoed a bipartisan bill to continue the fairness doctrine. And as a result, it's entirely possible that this lead directly to the rise of fake news, as everyone was used to trusting people on TV due to the Fairness Doctrine, and as such no one fact checked anything, which lead to the rise of QAnon.[2]

Deregulation and Austerity

  • Defunding the Noise Control Act - Reagan defunded the Office of Noise Abatement, which made enforcing noise pollution restrictions impossible.[3][4]
  • Closing mental hospitals - TODO We have a homeless crisis and a mental health crisis because Reagan closed down all the mental asylums.




  1. ^ Figueredo, Mike (August 22, 2023). "Pastor Shocked Pro-Trump Congregants Dismiss "Weak" Jesus Quotes as "Liberal Talking Points"". YouTube. 2:27-5:32.
  2. ^ Off JaWaggon (August 29, 2023). "the inconsistent miniseries on why everything is reagans fault: the repeal of fairness doctrine". TikTok.
  3. ^ DeFranco, Philip (August 22, 2023). "A Third of Americans are Exposed to Dangerous Noise Pollution". YouTube. 20:20 (segment 14:06-20:50). But then when Reagan entered the White House, he defunded the agency's office of noise abatement, which made it much harder to enforce regulation.
  4. ^ Ranen, Aron (August 23, 2023). "Study: Up to One-Third of Americans Exposed to Dangerous Noise Levels". Voice of America. Retrieved 2023-08-29.
  5. ^ DeFranco, Philip (August 22, 2023). "Airline Collision Near Misses Happen Way More Often than Anyone Thought". YouTube. 10:17 (segment 7:44-11:54). it dates all the way back to the Reagan administration in the eighties when thousands of controllers who were on strike were replaced. And since then, more and more controllers are retiring and leaving the industry.
  6. ^ Ember, Sydney; Steel, Emily (August 21, 2023). "Airline Close Calls Happen Far More Often Than Previously Known". The New York Times. Retrieved 2023-08-29.