Hello There,

I'm a Student and a new Wiki Editor, but I'm going to try my best.

Biases/Perspectives you should know that aren't boxes(that I know of):

  • Ameurasican (Ask ig).
  • Progressive,
  • Futurist (not the art movement, the futurology),
  • Ready to Learn,
  • Relatively Far Left (economically and in relation to my country, socially relative to most of the world, so I want co-op federations and rights/protections for minorities),
  • Anti-Authoritarian (Wanter of e-direct/liquid democracy, more citizen's assemblies/juries and democracy everywhere, and Condorcet voting methods, directorial republic, hater of Patriot Act, mass surveillance, "social credit"),
  • Militant Agnostic Atheist,
  • General Skeptic,
  • Nerdfighter!

Major Conflicts Of Interest:

  • Neg- Organized Religion in General, Fascism, Sexism, Racism, Homophobia, most systemic hatred, etc.
  • Pos- Anything I'm a fan of, too many to list here, just ask me w/ comment,
  • Not working for anyone, but I am a student at a military academy (JROTC and I'm Deputy Logistics Officer)

I try to be aware of my Views and be as unbiased as possible, but you can call me out if you believe I'm being biased.

Qualifications (Not real ones ofc):

  • Member of Zoomer culture
  • Edutainment-addicted
  • High School Senior
  • Written a couple of space mission proposals (amateurly)
  • Been called National Archives and Library of Congress before (yeah yeah r/iamverysmart I've got a lot stored in my brain, doesn't mean it's all true, call me out when I'm objectively wrong)
  • VASTS Program Alumnus (so fun)
  • About a year's worth in college credits (Math 101-202, English Lit/Lang Comp, Engineering, Intro to Quantum Computing [not sure about that one], bunch of APs)

Feel free to say I am not qualified to talk about what I do, you're probably right.

Thanks for checking! TypeBlueDoubleSharp DFTBA!