





Where theĀ ? andĀ ?? should be replaced (or left blank) for the following results...

First Variable

Results of First Variable
Code Entered Result
is This user is...
was This user was...
(blank) This user is or was...

Second Variable


For this variable, enther a of the abreviations listed as "Code Entered" below to cause a specific office to be displayed.

Results of Second Variable
Code Entered Name Title Displayed in Center of Box Image Displayed on Right
WM Worshipful Master Worshipful Master  
SW Senior Warden Senior Warden  
JW Junior Warden Junior Warden  
SD Senior Deacon Senior Deacon  
JD Junior Deacon Junior Deacon  
SS Senior Steward Senior Steward  
JS Junior Steward Junior Steward  
PM Past Master Past Master  
PAPM Pennsylvania Past Master Past Master  
Treas Treasurer Treasurer  
Sec Secretary Secretary  
Tyler Tyler Tyler  
ASS Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary  
CHAP Chaplain Chaplain  
HIST Historian Historian  
MARSH Marshall Marshall  
MSTCER Master of Ceremonies Master of Ceremonies  
MUSIC Organist Organist  
ORATOR Orator Orator  
(blank) (blank) An Officer OFFICER

See also
