My name is Cody, I live in Kentucky. I plan to major in nursing. I feel very strongly about everything that I believe is right. I feel that the strongest way that our area can be more positively advertised is by means of acceptance and understanding. I disagree with many of the view that are supported in the area in which I live. I support gay marriage and I dislike people who claim religion but bash others who don't believe the way that they do. I write internet stories for my blog, and feel that writing is the purest form of art, aside from singing. I also sing and enjoy playing and producing music.

I feel as if different opinions make us individuals and bring us closer together as a society and as a whole. As I get older I realize more and more that I dislike a majority of the people that surround me. I am very antisocial, but enjoy engaging in conversation with those people that I do have the privilege to call my friends.

I have several inspirations in life but the greatest one has to be my father, whose strength and morale gives me courage and hope to make it through anything.

I have friends that I consider to be brothers, who are closer to me than most of my family are. "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." Is a saying that I have come to find very deep and meaningful in my personal life.

I have no experience with Wikipedia so please overlook my mistakes as I attempt to find my footing in the virtual database that we've all come to love.

I hope to one day break the mold that the country has on my state and area, by getting out and showing that not all people from here are backwoods hillbillies that can't speak or construct a sentence properly. I look forward to getting the hang of using and editing wikipedia with my own opinions and researched arguments and causes, I would enjoy to read an article one day and find that the information that I provided made the cut and was allowed to be viewed and used by millions of people. As I begin my journey, I bid you hello, and ask that you open you mind and allow some differing opinions to enter in.

Technological Skills


I do not have a great amount of experience when it comes to dealing with computers. Of course, I have been actively using a computer since my 6th grade year of middle school, but my abilities lie within simply surfing the web and downloading things that I find interesting. When it comes to fixing computers or performing maintenance, the only thing I can do is run an anti-virus software. In short, if my computer were to crash, I would be a lost cause trying to fix it. Other things that I enjoy doing are creating mixes to songs, making karaoke tracks, and recording my own music. When it comes to music, I am very passionate about everything that is involved with it. Aside from being able to create and record music, there isn't much more I can bring to the table when it comes to technology. I like to keep myself distant from technological dependence because I feel as if being on my cell phone or computer all the time is a waste. Technology is a gift that should be used with caution, as it becomes very easy for people to spend all of their time on the computer or on their cell phones, and as a result become more distant from the real world that surrounds them. However, being technologically educated is a very important aspect to take to the work field and in some careers a strong foundation and deep understanding is required to acquire employment.

Virtual Love


As time progresses I believe that we will eventually fall victim to our own technology and become so dependent upon said technology that life as we know it will come to an end within the next 100 years.

Opinion of The Great Wiki


To me, I feel as if Wikipedia is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it's rich with information which is easy to find, and mostly to the point of the topic which you're trying to learn about. However, it's a curse in the same sense because due to it's swiftness to educate you, it may also pass over many important details which are essential for your understanding of the topic. My main argument against the Wiki god, however, is how easy it is for anyone to make a change to a page and add information. You must use extreme caution while taking information from the website and make sure that the source is credible and not solely someone's personal opinion on the topic at hand. Aside from that, I enjoy using Wikipedia and surfing its contents to find interesting articles about things that I was once previously not aware of-or poorly educated in. Wikipedia is a great site to get a crash course on just about anything you can think of, however, in order to make a strong paper or become truly educated on a topic, you should always research on outside websites to get broader results and information that may have been left out on Wikipedia. You should also refrain from copying and pasting things that you find on Wikipedia, for one, it's plagiarism, for two, it's important to be able to know enough about the topic that you can write about it in your own words. By doing this, you will be able to take it past the paper that you're writing and apply the information to everyday conversation and truly be able to engage in an educational debate about something that not many people understand.

In Closing


All people have their own opinions, I'm open to them all. I've never had to type 500 words and explain myself before so I don't know what to say. Just that I can sing, make music and present decently shaped and strong arguments when needed. With time and clear viewpoint of a topic and ending, I can write excellent papers and stories, except for on Wikipedia it appears.

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