Hi there, and welcome to the Wikipedia. Quick request: when you move pages (as you just moved ornament to ornament (music)) can you use the "Move this page" link to do so rather than doing a cut-and-paste - that way, all the edit history of the page gets moved as well instead of being left behind in the old location. See Wikipedia:How to rename (move) a page for the details. Cheers--Camembert

Actually, I've just realised that you couldn't have used "move this page" in this case, as ornament (music) already had some history itself - my bad. Should you ever come up against that problem again, you can leave a note on Wikipedia:Votes for deletion asking for the target page to be deleted so you can do the move properly.
All that said, don't worry about all this too much - just do what you have to do, and if it's not quite right, somebody will always be there to fix it up. Sorry for rambling onĀ :) --Camembert
Aha! thanks for the tip with moving the pages! Regards --Unconcerned 18:22, 1 Mar 2004 (UTC)