Vanessa Davis (musician) is a singer-songwriter who is from Saskatchewan, Canada. Her debut album, “Pretty Little Cabin” was released to music streaming platforms (most notably Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and YouTube on January 6th, 2021. The five-song EP was conceived of, recorded, and mixed remotely during the COVID-19 shut-downs of 2020. In addition to writing the music and lyrics, Davis also wrote and arranged the strings that can be heard on Track 3 (“It’s Lonely In The Middle”) and Track 5 (“Livin’”). Digital sheet music was sent to the strings players, along with a demo track. The musicians then recorded their own part and sent their files back. In true quarantine fashion, they never met together.

The Album Art for the EP is a combines a photograph of Davis (which she took herself) holding a sunflower that she grew in her garden, and a digital copy of a painting that her grandmother created in 1984. The signature of her late grandmother can be seen in the bottom right-hand corner of the album art (“E. Bader”)

Vanessa Davis currently resides in Lexington Kentucky