I'm an athlete and a student who lives in the United States. I've played almost every sport throughout my life but have only fallen in love with soccer. I play Center Mid and Forward but I honestly only like playing center mid. In the future I hope to move to Spain and play for Barcelona. Because the city of Barcelona is so beautiful. My favorite player played for Barcelona Lionel Messi. I hope to carry on one of the greatest legacy's of all time[1], that Messi had for Barcelona. Also spend the rest of my life after my career in Barcelona.

I'm really interested in the sport of soccer so I'll be doing sport journalism hoping to make each soccer player's article as possible update soccer team histories as things change every time they play. And update players' articles every time they play and make their own history. I watch most live games and follow a lot of live articles so I can quickly update a players or team's history. Most players' articles don't change until they retire or until the current season ends. Which is really off because a player can score over 30 goals during that period. Or win a couple trophies as well.

I visited the Pigeons Racing article on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: the lack of use of appropriate, reliable sources, the use of outdated citations, and missing valuable information in the article. I'm very interested in the world of racing pigeons and that is why I decided to make my article evaluation about racing pigeons. Although it has a lot of useful information, unfortunately it doesn't reflect the current racing pigeon world.

I'm very interested in the world of racing pigeons so I decided to make my article evaluation about racing pigeons. Although it has a lot of useful information, unfortunately it doesn't reflect the current racing pigeon world.

The sources used were not appropriate because they are not reliable. They linked to wikipedia pages that had no information in them. Also some of them are broken links and don’t open. There are some facts that are not cited at all. There's a lot of new websites and a whole different ball game in the racing pigeon world. The article would have been interesting if they updated those sites.

The sport has changed over the years especially after 2012 and most of the sources are before that. Before it used to be all about building your own family and winning with those birds now its more of a business. Owners of racing pigeons now buy and sell instead of building family's. They should update sources as well as information.

I was very disappointed they did not have information on some of the best racing pigeon fanciers or the best racing pigeon families. The authors leaving out the Janssen brothers family of birds is insane. The Janssen brothers have the biggest impact on every racing pigeon today and are known for being the best family of birds of all time.

In conclusion the wiki page about racing pigeons included unreliable sources and outdated sources and lacked key information about the subject. The sport has changed so the use of opporit and new citation is very important. The Janssen not being included left a key part left out.

  1. ^ "Leo Messi's legacy". MARCA. 2021-08-06. Retrieved 2022-09-28.