Valfarly chanced upon wikipedia and thought "that'll never work"... but after using it a few times, he eventually got sufficently annoyed by a typo to do something about it and on 15th March 2004 hit edit. From there it was a slippery slope to writing articles for things he found no-one else had written about and adding tidbits, factoids and other nuggets of information to previously covered topics. Finds himself correcting spelling and grammar far too often!

Born in 1975, he grew up in Dublin, Ireland.

He is now a resident of San Mateo, California, just outside of San Francisco in the United States of America. He having moved there in September 2015. He has previously lived in Falls Church, Virginia, Dallas, Texas, and Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, California.

He was married in Dallas, Texas in January 2006. | |-

This user contributes using Firefox.
This user is Irish.

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Citation requests

Use the {{citation needed}} template to request a citation at the end of a sentence or paragraph. Simply insert the template at the end of the sentence or paragraph by adding {{citation needed}} so it looks like this:[citation needed] Resist the urge to insert this template into multiple sentences in the same article. Instead, use the {{not verified}} template at the top of the appropriate page or section.

To add this auto-updating template to your user page, use {{totd}}

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Map accompanying the novel Mundus Alter et Idem
Mundus Alter et Idem (Another World and Yet the Same) is a satirical dystopian novel written by the English writer and bishop Joseph Hall around 1605. In the novel, the narrator takes a voyage in the ship Fantasia through the southern seas, visiting the lands of Crapulia, Viraginia, Moronia, and Lavernia (populated by gluttons, nags, fools, and thieves, respectively). These locations feature on this map, which accompanies the novel.Map credit: Joseph Hall

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Countries I've lived in

Countries I've been to

US States I've been to

Canadian Provinces I've been to

I've been to the UN in Vienna