"Hemanshu, just be aware that in editing this article, you're entering the Wikipedia equivalent of the Mekong Delta on a dark night in 1969." - JamesMLane 04:01, 7 Aug 2004 (UTC)

"Alone. In a Viet Cong-controlled area." - Neutrality 04:19, 7 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Keep. Templates don't kill people, Cabalists kill people. --Eequor 20:14, 19 Aug 2004 (UTC)

from IRC


[11:15pm] <TimStarling> apparently some guy in Queensland has recently declared his property to be a micronation and is refusing to pay taxes
[11:15pm] <Kate> quick, create an article on it
[11:15pm] <TimStarling> I don't understand why the government doesn't just recognise its sovereignty, then invade it

Delete. But here's to you, Mr. Robinson. Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo wo wo). -- orthogonal 09:19, 6 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Delete. Geogre, you are a sorry deletionist! This is clearly from the game "Pokemon from Middle Earth meet Duke Nukem in Yoknapatawpha County", a game avidly played by as many as three men not in a boat and one dog! How dare you consider this unworthy of Wikipedia when such meaningless articles as Lenin, Catholic Church, and Periodic Table continue to waste space? By the way, I consider any refutation of my screed a personal attack and will refactor any response to make it look like you wrote, "orthogonal is the True Pope". -- orthogonal 19:50, 8 Sep 2004 (UTC)

from IRC


[10:44] <zocky> why do they need rectal probes to get to anthony's brain--oh!

[8:38pm] <kturner> IRC is where good intentions go to die. :-)

'I'd appreciate a constructive debate, if necessary, and not one that does not bother with any arguments except "I am too stupid to use Google"'. -- AlexR

  • No, no, no, a THOUSAND times no. Sam Spade is a troll with a hair trigger. RickK 21:32, Oct 4, 2004 (UTC)
    • Does anyone else see the hypocrisy in this vote? -- Netoholic @ 22:02, 2004 Oct 4 (UTC)
      • I do. RickK should be de-sysopped for this. --lst27 22:50, 4 Oct 2004 (UTC)
        • I should be de-sysopped for voting No on an admin nomination? RickK 23:01, Oct 4, 2004 (UTC)
          • How about for being consistantly rude and regularly biting newbies? Sam Spade 23:04, 4 Oct 2004 (UTC)
            • Pot. Kettle. Black. RickK 23:32, Oct 4, 2004 (UTC)
  • Delete. Possible attempt to cheat at scrabble. Average Earthman 11:56, 6 Oct 2004 (UTC)

from IRC


[4:15pm] FennecFoxen: olene: Wikipedia does not negotiate with terrorists.

[7:55pm] VagueRant: In Hell, they have you on Windows, with RealAudio running, and you're on Internet Explorer at Neopets.
[7:55pm] VagueRant: All the damn time.

a neat dig at the ArbCom


Be wary, next they'll ban you from editing on octopus-related topics (and then later Australian ones). VeryVerily 22:29, 15 Nov 2004 (UTC)



Oops...User:RickK cuts User:Vague_Rant's comment in half, and declares that the first half is by an anon, and therefore invalid.

RickK strikes back


I have no problem with keeping the current version, so long as it no longer says that Lil Jon is a little Swedish boy who, with his recording partner Ol' Dirty Bastard, rescued somebody who had been hit by an asteroid in Prince Edward Island. RickK 23:44, Nov 26, 2004 (UTC)

More IRC


rvalles goes Urban Terror
rvalles: later
Arminius: peace out
Vague_Rant: See ya.
Arminius: I really hope that's a video game.

Raul's Top Four Mediawiki Quotes


Ok, first, please forgive me to compare handling a girl's mind with jerking off a dog. The principle is the same. -- Wikibooks,

Beep! Beep! Here comes the banmobile -- Silsor

All sysops can communicate with each other using a back channel consisting of an unrelated web page and encrypted, predefined signals. - Plautus satire

On Wikipedia, there is a giant conspiracy attempting to have articles agree with reality. -- Plautus satire

from IRC


<Kate> reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

<Raul654> "DDOS attacks are like network bukkake"
<DavidGerard> "when a mummy and a daddy and a daddy and a daddy and a daddy and a daddy and a daddy and a daddy and a daddy and a daddy and a daddy and a daddy and a daddy and a daddy love each other very much, and the daddies decide mummy needs some very special moisturiser ..."

from IRC


homer: who the hell cares about shakespear
homer: he can't write for crap
homer: I write better him

from a Google translation of a de.wikipedia message about Willy on Wheels


"This user became closed."

from IRC (again)


[9:39pm] <innocence> do not change $wgScript or $wgScriptPath or rabid crabs will eat you in the night

Anthere, IRC and sex


[17:29] * Submarine notes that Anthere comes whenever one discusses sex
[17:30] <Anthere> no
[17:30] <Anthere> you discuss sex ALL THE TIME

DavidGerard humor


[from wikien-l, to User:Enviroknot) "You are ElKabong and I claim my 5p"

[from IRC] "Everyone on Wikipedia is either gay, transsexual or both."

RickK humor


"Imagine me, defending Everyking!" [1]

Ambi, The Red Queen


Ambi is the Red Queen of arbcom - running around like a complete fat fool, screaming "Orf Wiv is 'ead" whenever a case comes before her. -- Anon E Mouse, wikien-l troll

DavidGerard again


"If you're an admin, then I'm Enviroknot. As it happens, you are. Back to moderation you go." to Anon E Mouse on wikien-l

"This is Calvinball. We are Calvin. You are the ball." [DavidGerard again, referring to a blocked sockpuppeteer]

Courtesy of Redwolf24


Wise words


[01:03] <karynn> arbcom is not your mother

from the meta talk page for WP:DICK


[amidst a rename discussion]

I suggest that, in the interests of political correctness, this page be moved to [[We sincerely hope that you will refrain from being a penis. Thanks, The Management]]. - node_ue

When Babelfish Goes...Odd...


[04:53] <zocky> hehe, according to google translation, the workers in Slovenia today marched "in a demonstration against the planned restaurant and social reforms of the government."

The return of the kettle


"When the arbitrators find themselves disagreeing with such a large portion of the community, they should perhaps consider that they are out of touch." - Everyking, a candidate for the arbitration committee at the present time

Not a quote but...


Adam Carr is funny



[23:45] <freakofnurture> brenneman: well looks like he called Tony the antichrist, which might violate NPOV

we miss you, RickK


[12:57] <MikeSnow> sean_black: In the original election, Finlay McWalter commented that his favorite slate would be the RickK and Hephaestos wikideathsquad



Which encyclopaedic sources have identified these as 'circumcision fetish websites', Dan? If none, please explain the difference between your position and that of a person who presents a photo of the moon and a photo of a similarly-coloured piece of blue cheese as a 'source' that the moon is made of blue cheese. Jakew 22:34, 8 January 2006 (UTC)

IANAL...and I have no idea what I'm talking about


[he brought up the Freedom of Information Act after being told by the arbitrators that they wouldn't tell him the exact results of a CheckUser search]

Um, but it does require it to be released. Its covered by the Freedom of Information Act, and is law. It also applies to the internet. The only question is whether or not it is to be released publicly. I can look up the applicable law as it applies to the United States, but I am pretty confident that its basically identical to Australia's. It is a law that exists in all "western" countries, and is a part of Freedom of Speech. Ergo, they don't have a choice about releasing it. They are forced to. And yes, they really are. In fact, they'd be forced to no matter what their privacy policy said. They privacy policy is merely reflecting what the law is. Zordrac (talk) Wishy Washy Darwikinian Eventualist 19:11, 27 December 2005 (UTC)

more IRC fun


[12:38] <AngryParsley> ok, I'm still not clear on what CoolFox calls the difference between gender and sex
[12:39] <karynn> sex is more fun than gender

Golbez on Wikipedia Review


"I've never seen a revisionist up close like this. Do they bite? Can I pet him?"

Snowspinner on Wikipedia Review


"I take kind of a broadly spiritual approach towards duct tape. Everything is duct tape. Nothing is duct tape. There is no spoon."

Did the Australian aboriginals arrived from Africa by air?


I am basically interested in India and Hinduism. The mention in the article of the older than 30,000 years (the more conservative dating) human occupation of Australia and similar old dating only in Africa intrugues me. Did humans passed through India, etc. on their way from Africa to Australia, or they travelled by air? If not by air, then many lands should have a dating older than 30,000 years, it is just that these have not been found? Aupmanyav 08:55, 18 June 2006 (UTC)

What the christ? Trjn 10:22, 18 June 2006 (UTC)

Yes, they flew by pterodactyl. Adam 10:34, 18 June 2006 (UTC)

Penal... (from Talk:Australia)


I know I'm being really picky here, but the word 'penal' is mentioned twice in one paragraph in the introduction. This is enough to put me off the article at large, and I'm sure some other people have noticed it. Can someone please rectify this? Because I CBF. Black-Velvet 12:07, 29 June 2006 (UTC)

It's used in two linked phrases which really wouldn't convey the same meaning otherwise. Out of curiosity, why does it put you off? --bainer (talk) 13:30, 29 June 2006 (UTC)
The first three letters, and it sounds like an adjective for something not censored for minors. 13:37, 29 June 2006 (UTC)
It does seem a bit odd to say it was a penal colony as well as it was settled through penal transportation, but to object to the word itself because it sounds like something else is completely ridiculous. JPD (talk) 13:48, 29 June 2006 (UTC)

A solution may be to have a dictionary on hand when you read an article. Xtra 14:08, 29 June 2006 (UTC)

I am just imagining someone reading the article and being very confused about Australia's early history with all these "penile colonies" we had. I guess that explains the origins of the Mardi Gras! -- Chuq 23:47, 29 June 2006 (UTC)

On the younger generation of Wikipedians


[16:24] <Golbez> it's not a situation of wanting to own the articles
[16:24] <Golbez> it's a situation of watching the babysitter beat my baby =p

On consultancy


[14:43] <lar|zzz> I'm a conslutant.. I make shit up and get paid for it!
[14:43] <lar|zzz> er, conSULTant...
[14:43] <lar|zzz> that was a freudian slip, honest
[14:44] <mindspillage> oh, how apt.

<geniice> how do I do a recent chnages thing for a cat?
<karynn> geniice: i've never known a cat that had change logging enabled. my experience is that change logging does not work well on living organisms.

Wikipedia Metaphors, Pt. 4


[22:11] <zocky> some people read the lord of the flies as a fucking user manual

Yet more IRC


[20:08] <Lubaf> Blacksmith2: #wikipedia-social does not exist.
[20:09] <Blacksmith2> #wikipedia-social does excist
[20:09] <Lubaf> Blacksmith2: In the same sense that Santa Claus does, I'll grant you that.