The Religion of Vibing The religion of vibing is a religion of peace in ones self. The religion is based on staying in the middle, neutral, or any other means of being chill. The place of sanctuary is where one can calm the mind, and the place of worship is in ones sleeping area or areas. Thou are determined to remain to be open to everyones individual opinion and belief as well as has ones own. If you feel strongly about a topic, it is important to be open to the other side and/or sides of the story before making an official opinion.

The Clothing to Wear When worshiping the Vibe One must where an article of clothing that is comfortable to ones self. In order to keep the ultimate state of mind when Vibing, you must be as comfortable as possible.

The thing that we Worship The Vibing Religion worships ones self, this religion believes that self care and personal mental/physical health are most important. There is a book that we follow in order to Vibe as much as possible called the Vible.

What to do in this Religion The most important thing to do to enrich the mind is to do things you want to do. As this increases the chill level of ones mind and body. This is the most important thing to keep an open mind as well as your own time to think about things. This also follows that we have to keep our mental health in check.

As you can see this religion does not have any rules or specific regulations, this religion is mostly a way of describing ones self in a manner of a few words. This is not a cult