Vicky is a girl born in Belgium, 2012, 20 September. Grew up with her big sister (Mauri) and her mom and dad (Renata) (Didier) . A lovely girl with a kind heart. 9 years in 2021 and already like a grown woman. She's obsessed with K-POP and she loves making new friends at school. Height: 1,32 . A girl with brown hair and beatiful hazel eyes. Short straight hair and a great personality. Vicky is her nickname but she's also known as Direna Callebaut. Her father Didier Callebaut, mother Renata De Poorter and her sister Mauriette Roulean Patricia. And ofcourse her cat PoesPoes De Poorter. Vicky just joined a new school at 1 september 2021. Class 4C and 4th grade already. Top student of her class and dreams of becoming a scientist or astronaut or even musician. She loves music, dancing and singing. But she's afraid of: Sea, Bunnys, Heights and speaking in public. She's very shy sometimes but very smart. She speaks these languages: English,Japanese,Korean,Dutch,German and a little Chinese. She got bullied in the past but though the years she got even more confident and prettier. Who knows what or who she might become in the future. - Written by Vicky Callebaut (Direna Callebaut)
