Victor Alexis Pestoff, born Jan. 24, 1941, is an American born Swedish political scientists. Pestoff received a Bachelor of Arts in political science from California State University at Long Beach in 1963 and defended his Ph.D. in political science at Stockholm University in 1977. He served as Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science (1978-82) and as Associate Professor at the School of Business (1982-96) at Stockholm University. He became Associate Professor at the Department of Politics, Helsinki University in 1985 and was a Research Fellow at the Faculty of Economics in Kanazawa, Japan in 1998. He became full professor of Political Science at Södertörns högskola in 1999 and later at Mid-Sweden University in Östersund (2002). After retiring he became a Guest Professor at Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College in Stockholm (2008 - ). He was also Visiting Professor at Osaka University (2014 – 16). His selected publications include: • Co-production and Japanese Healthcare. Work Environment, Governance, Service Quality and Social Values (Routledge, 2021)*, • Public Service Management. Citizenship, Governance and Public Service Management (Routledge, 2018)*, • Social Enterprise and the Third Sector. Changing European Landscapes (ed.) (Routledge, 2014)**, • New Public Governance, the Third Sector and Co-Production (ed.) (Routledge, 2012 & 2014)*, • A Democratic Architecture for the Welfare State (Routledge, 2009)*/**, • Co-production. The Third Sector and Delivery of Public Services (ed.) (Routledge, 2008)**, • Beyond the Market and State. Social enterprise and civil democracy in a welfare society (Ashgate, 1998)*/**, • Reforming Social Services in Central and Eastern Europe – an Eleven Nation Overview (ed.) (Krakov Univ. Press, 1995)**, • Between Markets and Politics. Co-operatives in Sweden (Campus & Westview, 1991)*/**, • Näringslivsorganisationer och politiken i Sverige (TCO, 1989)*/**, • Konsumentinflytande och konsumentorganisering. Den svenska modellen (Dept. of Finance, 1984)*/**, • Voluntary Associations and Nordic Party Systems. A study of overlapping memberships and cross-pressures in Finland, Norway and Sweden (Stockholm University, 1977)*/**.

  • catalog record at Library of Congress, **catalog record at Libris, Royal Library of Sweden.