Thumbtack Matches


In addition to it's inclusion as a weapon commonly used in Hardcore matches, thumbtacks have been used as an important part of a varity of gimmick matches.

Barefoot Thumbtack match

In a Barefoot Thumbtack match, Both opponents are barefoot, and there is a container of thumbtacks in the middle of the ring.

Beds of Thumbtacks death match

A hardcore match that has beds of thumbtacks. These matches usually occur in Deathmatches.

10,000 Thumbtacks death match

This match has 10,000 thumbtacks placed in the ring. The wrestlers can use the thumbtacks as weapons. Victory by either pinfall, submission or knocking out the opponent.

Thumbtacks Ladder Match

A variation of the 10,000 Thumbtacks death match in which a ladder is placed in the ring with a reward at the top. Thumbtacks are also spread out across the ring.

East Coast Thumbtack death match

Another variant of the 10,000 thumbtacks deathmatch, this match has 177,000 thumbtacks placed in the ring.

Crisis Big Born death match

This is a Big Japan match which combines several deathmatch types.