jerry awele nwaoboli - born Feb 11 1997 is a blogger and a content creator, well Jerry is from Nigeria born in Lagos State, but he is a native of Delta State.

All is live Jerry lived in Lagos State working hustling to be the best amongst is friend and family but alongside he lost his father and couldn't further is education Jerry didn't give up he chooses to leave school so his younger ones can be taking care of he became a man at an early age, he was 17 year's old when he start working well he didn't end there the story just began.

Check out Jerry blog

. Jerry had an elder brother they were four in number Jerry was the second child, his elder brother name was Franklin nwaoboli, Jerry and Frank had to take care of the family at a tender age no family was there to help with anything everyone left them in pain after the death of there father life was on fair.

Jerry look for other things to do, did different kinds of stuff to feed the family but what Jerry and Frank never did was Rob , they never Rob or steal they work for there money.

Jerry was working as a security guard and Frank was working as a receptionist it's was tough the story continued.