This entry is about Warteen, the Wikipedia User. Perhaps you were looking for Warteen's Talk Page.

About Me


Howdy. My name is Adam Sanborn (September 20, 1983 - ). My dad is Alan Sanborn, and my grandfather is Kenneth Sanborn, but I am unfortunately not important enough for a Wikipedia page - yet.

I attended Armada High School in Armada, Michigan, and a slew of schools before that. I was involved in several school and community plays and started an improv comedy group at school. I also wrote movie reviews for a few years as the "Movie Guy" for the Armada Times. I graduated in 2002 and began attending Michigan State University, a place that I love. There, I met my long-time girlfriend, Lauren Revard, and enjoyed involvement in several different organizations, including an improv comedy group (Sketchy People), two acapella groups (State of Harmony and The Desperate Measures, the latter founded by me), and a sketch comedy television show (Sideshow at MSU). I was also in the MSU Men's Glee Club, and for a while was Vice President of the MSU Dodgeball Club. As you can see, I got around. (I've added a "performance resume" to this page down below.)

Currently I'm working on my degree in computer engineering, but as I've discovered too late, there is nothing I want to do less with my life than work in an office. What I would really like to do is some kind of performance, whether it be acting, singing, or generally just finding some way to entertain people and get paid for it. I would also like to open some kind of business that specializes in being a haven to people, a fun place to relax and get away from life (in my imagination it would feature laser tag, an arcade, books, and movies, sort of like Whit's End from the old Adventures in Odyssey radio show). At the same time I want to be able to please God with what I'm doing in my life.

I'm a life-long Christian. I grew up in the Church of Christ, but now I attend a nondenominational church called Riverview. Church is where I first learned to sing, and I enjoy music, though I can't play an instrument. Two things I want to learn to do before too long are play guitar and speak Japanese. I'd like to go to Japan sometime, mostly because I love sushi and I think Japanese culture is cool. Generally I'm not much of a traveler; I prefer being within my comfort zone at home.

I enjoy video games, sports (basketball, dodgeball, wallyball, and more), and all kinds of other stuff. I've described myself before as a jack of all trades, master of none, and I think that's why I'm having such a hard time thinking up the right career. It's like I want to do too many different things at once.

My favorite movie is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and Jim Carrey is my favorite actor. Other movies I enjoy a lot include Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Princess Bride, Labyrinth, and Spider-Man. I've got an extensive movie collection, but I will defend to the last the high quality of every movie I own.

Physically I'm a big guy, coming in at 6'4" and 240 pounds. I have brown hair and green eyes. Admittedly, I sometimes play the fool, but I'm not really unintelligent. I am, however, pretty weird in most people's eyes. I imagine that has something to do with my tendency to find everything funny.

The moniker "Warteen" is something I came up with way back when it rhymed with my age at the time, fourteen. I've been pleased with the name because it hasn't belonged to anybody else (despite the millions of people on the internet), but now that I'm far from a teenager I admit that it is humorously outdated. Even so, I stick with the name, since it's the easiest thing to do.

My cousin owns and operates a very successful t-shirt company, Stylin. Occasionally I work for him at conventions, including the 2003, 2006, and 2007 Comic-Con International.

I'm also the webmaster of

The Public Eye


As stated above, for a long time I've been interested in entertaining people. This is the progress I've made so far down that avenue, and serves as a sort of unofficial performance resume.




  • Sideshow, 2005-2006


  • Member of Sketchy People (improv comedy), 2004-2006
  • Founding member of The Last-Minute Actors (improv comedy), 2001-2002


  • Founding member of The Desperate Measures (acapella group), 2006
  • Member of State of Harmony (acapella group), 2004-2005



Nothing yet. Maybe someday.

Wikipedia and Me


I'm still new to Wikipedia, but I've been making quite a few minor edits. I bring a grammatically critical eye to the pages here, and very few errors will get by me (can't promise I'll correct every one I see, though). Someday I really would like to be important enough to have my own entry, but now is not that day. I also have a wealth of general knowledge, and I can catch factual errors people who have more conventional (read: useful) knowledge might miss. On top of all that, I have a bit of an expertise in movie knowledge.