User:Wavelength/Miscellaneous information/Music



—"Do-Re-Mi" in the film The Sound of Music by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II

Mary Had a Little Lamb


—"Mary Had a Little Lamb"

Old MacDonald Had a Farm


—"Old MacDonald Had a Farm"

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star


—"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"

Alphabet song


—"Alphabet song"

Sweet Afton


—"Sweet Afton", words by Robert Burns

Mockin' Bird Hill


—"Mockin' Bird Hill", by George Vaughn Horton

Lyrics with revisions in word usage
When the sun in the morn - ing peeps o - ver the hill,
and kiss - es the ros - es 'round my win - dow - sill,
then my heart fills with glad - ness when I hear the trill
of the birds in the tree - tops on Mock - ing - bird Hill.
Tra - la - la, twee - dle - ee - dee - dee, it gives me a thrill
to wake up in the morn - ing to the mock - ing - bird's trill.
Tra - la - la, twee - dle - ee - dee - dee, we've peace and good - will.
You're wel - come as the flow - ers on Mock - ing - bird Hill.
I've a three - cor - nered plow and an a - cre to till
and a mule that I bought for a ten - dol - lar bill;
I've a tum - ble - down shack and a rust - y old mill,
but it's my Home Sweet Home up on Mock - ing - bird Hill.
When it's late in the eve - ning I climb up the hill,
and sur - vey all my king - dom while ev - 'ry - thing's still;
on - ly me and the sky and an old whip - poor - will,
sing - ing songs in the twi - light on Mock - ing - bird Hill.