Wazir Chacha Benson; born December 31, 1994) is a Kenyan-American, an eminence grise, investor and business magnate who is the current vice president & co-founder of the charter. An international congolmerate that deals in different portfolios; oil and gas, international arms dealing, cyber security, shipping, e-commerce and financial investments in 21 different countries that he co-founded with Japan’s Shunsaku Sagami, a merger and acquisitions dealmaker and Red Bull heir Mark Mateschitz.

Chacha was born and raised in Nairobi Kenya but schooled in Tanzania, International School of Tanganyika, Dar es Salaam for high school diploma then proceeded to Oxford University, UK for his bachelors degree in Law in European Studies and University of London for his Masters in leadership and campaigns.

He has previouly worked for the governments of the US, Tanzania, Kenya, UAE, Spain and Belgium in security, policy consult and advisory roles. He is a mutiple passports holder of seven different countries. He main base of operations is Dubai, UAE & Marbella, Spain.

He comes from a political dynasty tree. Great grandfather was a prominent colonial chief, grandfather a councillor and the father was mayor & member of parliament in Kenya.

In his spare time, Chacha collects art, sports cars and historic vehicles. His biggest passions are equestrian. He owns the Oslo horse-breeding stable.

Chacha has close with the The Belgian monarchy, Liechtenstein Princely family and Luxembourg Grand Ducal Family.

With a net worth of US$210 million as of 2 March 2023.


In March 2018, Chacha was invovled in a love triangle that saw several lawmakers and cabinet secretaries in Kenya loose large sums of money but chacha has maintained his innocence.

In March 2024, Chacha also crossed parts with the government of Kenya for operating in the country with unauthorized State House Access Card. He was put under scrutiny by the National Intelligence service & the Directorate of Criminal Investigations for being a spy for the CIA and other foreign powers but Chacha cannot confirm nor deny the allegations.

The Huff Post has described the public persona and personality of Chacha as that of "a brilliant but mysterious and coldblooded person."

El País is the most read newspaper in Spain has characterized him as notoriously opportunistic person who operates with little concern for obstacles and externalities.

In 2023, the US accused Chacha of having ties with Li Fangwei (a Chinese entrepreneur and arms dealer indicted by the United States for violating sanctions and regulations, by providing Iran with technology related to ballistic missiles.

In 2024, General Sahir Shamshad Mirza of Pakistan Army accused Chacha and other US intelligence officials for being financiers of the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), a separatist group operating against the Pakistani state in the southwestern province of Balochistan and revoked his passport.