Monte F. Poindexter U.S. Weather Bureau U.S. Executive Officer: Eureka, Alert, Mould Bay, Isachsen Polar Operations Project

Charles J. Hubbard: Chief: Polar Operations Project, (Shortly after the close of World War II), began to rouse interest in the United States and Canada for the establishment of a network of Arctic stations. His plan, in broad perspective, envisaged the establishment of two main stations, one in Greenland and the other within the Archipelago, which could be reached by sea supply. These main stations would then serve as advance bases from which a number of smaller stations would be established by air. The immediate plans contemplated the establishment of weather stations only, but it was felt that a system of weather stations would also provide a nucleus of transportation, communications and settlements which would greatly aid programmes of research in many other fields of science. It was recognized that ultimate action would depend on international co-operation since the land masses involved were under Canadian and Danish control.
