Andres Gach Gatluak Wechkuoth is a South Sudanese Active Youth who is Born In South Sudan, Nasir County, Eastern Upper Nile, a place 30KM away from Ethiopia on Saturday November, 02,1996. He Served as a Deputy Secretary of South Sudan Students Union In Ethiopia(SSSUE) in 2019. Later on January 2020, Wechkuoth happened to be the Chairman of SSSUE as endorsed by The Board of Executive of the Union and a Central Executive Committee Member in Council Of Africa Youths Advocates(CAYA) Special Envoy to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. A Goodwill Ambassador from Ad hoc international Board of Goodwill Ambassadors,Advocates,Activists.

A Country Coordinator from International Organization for UN volunteer, He once served as Secretary General of South Suudan Opposition Alliance(SSOA), Federal Democratic party/South Sudan Armed Forces Force(FDP/SSAF) Youth league in Ethiopia and Deputy Chairman of the institution at the same time, under the Political Party Chairmanship of Gabriel Changson Chang, the current Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, South Sudan. Wechkuoth previously Joined the Armed Youths of the main opposition Group, SPLM/A I.O, fought with the government of South Sudan in 2013-2014 and went to Ethiopia to pursue his Education and Joined the Refugee Camp. In 2015, He went to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for a purpose studies and returned back to Gambella, Ethiopia in 2016_2017 and Sat for the National Examination of Ethiopian University Entrance Matrix and Made it. Currently Gach is pursuing his B.Sc in Public Health in Universal Medical College, Addis Ababa with the help of His Friends from Australia, Mr. Douglas and Mr.Sherryn Kieltyka. Gach made a credential connections with High profiled politicians in South Sudan and he is even has a connection with the office of the President of The Republic. Name: Andres Gach Mother name:Nyanuor Char Khor Father name: Gatluak Wechkuoth Surname: Wechkuoth.