WFM495's User Page


Hello, I am a retired English environmental scientist.

I am interested in naval warfare in the Napoleonic and American war of 1812 and the history of the Scottish Borders.

My ancestor was a Scot.[1] He was captured by privateers and landed in Grand Canary between 1811 and 1813.[1][2]

I have contributed most of the text of two Wikipedia articles: John Ordronaux (privateer) (1778-1841), Privateer, and John Ordronaux (doctor) (1830-1908), his son.


  1. ^ a b Miller, W.F., Scottish Saga - The Miller Family in Scotland (1600-1999), 2007.
  2. ^ Miller, B., Canary Saga - The Miller Family in Las Palmas (1824-1990), 1990.

Contact me at my talk page.