WhiteKnight98 is a American White Knight of the Ku Klux Klan Member since 1997 from Warren, Ohio. He has been sent to the Ohio Prison System on 3 separate occasions for various trumped up charges and served a total of 8 years 4 months and 12 days, The American White Knights has highly decorated him for various accomplishments and Educational Training of Many Recruits throughout the years, WhiteKnight98 has went through the Ranks Quicker than anyone in History of the Organization to Become a Knight by the age of 25 and went on to Educate the Masses. WhiteKnight98 has been fortunate enough to Invent and Trademark a Worldwide Hand Tool that sold over a 100,000,000 units Worldwide to become one of the fastest selling Handtools of the 20th Century. Along with his excelerated advancement in the White Knights and His Highly Educational Teachings, he has Flourished in his White Community with his Speaking abilities and his knowledge of the Movement. Along with all the accolades WhiteKnight98 has achieved he also went to Bible College for 2yrs to become a Minister in his Denomination for his community and spreads the word of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior for all the White Families in his area. Any and All Good and Decent White Families are Always welcome to come to his Town to hear him speak on the Movement and also the teachings of the King James Bible. WhiteKnight98 has also went on to become a licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor in all 50 states and will always be willing to help out his White families in need. To reach WhiteKnight98 leave a message on this page and he will get back to you ASAP with full regard.