Hi, my name is Eduardo Bueno ("mailto:buenosmirnoff@gmail.com"); I'm an English teacher at DLIC/CEC-EPN and this page contains some of my students' projects.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Structure Positive Conjugate the helping verb "be" + verb + -ing.

I am Working today

You are Working today

He /She is Working today

It is Working today

We are Working today

You are Working today

They are Working today

Negative Conjugate the helping verb "be" + not + verb + -ingItalic text.

I am not coming this evening

You are not coming this evening

He /She is not coming this evening

It is not coming this evening

We are not coming this evening

You are not coming this evening

They are not coming this evening

Questions Question word + conjugate the helping verb 'be' + subject + verb + -ing Italic text What are you doing this afternoon?

What is he doing this afternoon?

What is she doing this afternoon?

What is it doing this afternoon?

What are we doing this afternoon?

What are you doing this afternoon?

What are they doing this afternoon?

EXAMPLESItalic text File:Present continuous.jpg

QUANTIFIERSItalic text Are those little words that precede and modify nouns: The following quantifiers will work with count nouns:

many trees

a few trees few trees several trees a couple of trees none of the trees

uhj8u9i9ik9k0k90i9ii9 u8u8u9i9i0o0o0o0o0o0o0o



Galo Alomoto

Marco Ulcuango





Adverbs are words that modify

a verb (He drove slowly. — How did he drive?)

an adjective (He drove a very fast car. — How fast was his car?)

another adverb (She moved quite slowly down the aisle. — How slowly did she move?)

Adverbs can modify adjectives, but an adjective cannot modify an adverb.

Thus we would say that "the students showed a really wonderful attitude" and that "the students showed a wonderfully casual attitude" and that "my professor is really tall, but not "He ran real fast."

Like adjectives, adverbs can have comparative and superlative forms to show degree.

Walk faster if you want to keep up with me.

The student who reads fastest will finish first.

We often use more and most, less and least to show degree with adverbs:

With sneakers on, she could move more quickly among the patients.

The flowers were the most beautifully arranged creations I've ever seen.

Adverbs often function as intensifiers, conveying a greater or lesser emphasis to something. Intensifiers are said to have three different functions: they can emphasize, amplify, or downtone. H--Wieduardoki (talk) 02:38, 17 September 2010 (UTC)ere are some examples:


I really don't believe him.

He literally wrecked his mother's car.


The teacher completely rejected her proposal.

I absolutely refuse to attend any more faculty meetings.


I kind of like this college.

Joe sort of felt betrayed by his sister.

Adverbs (as well as adjectives) in their various degrees can be accompanied by premodifiers:

She runs very fast.

We're going to run out of material all the faster.



Conjunctions are words used as joiners.
Different kinds of conjunctions join different kinds of grammatical structures.
The following are the kinds of conjunctions:


for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so

Coordinating conjunctions join equals to one another:
            words to words,          phrases to phrases,          clauses to clauses.



word to word                      Most children like cookies and milk.

phrase to phrase               The gold is hidden at the beach or by the lakeside.

clause to clause                                What you say  and what you do are two different things.


Coordinating conjunctions usually form looser connections than other conjunctions do.


Marge was late for work, and she recive a cut in pay. (very loose)

Marge was late for work, so she recive a cut in pay. (loose)

Coordinating conjunctions go in between items joined, not at the beginning or end.


Correct:                 I like coffee, but I don’t like tea.

Incorrect:               But I don’t like tea, I like coffee.





We can use can (for present) and (could) for past to talk about abilities.
The form of the modal verbs are very simple. All the verbs go with the same modal verb plus the infinitive without “to”.


Maria can play the piano very well. (Maria has the ability of playing the piano)

They can play soccer.

I can speak English.

Positive and Negative form (Modal Verb Can/could)

Modal Verb


Infinitivo without to















VERB – Simple form (DANCE)





"Should" is most commonly used to make recommendations or give advice. It can also be used to express obligation as well as expectation.


When you go to Berlin, you should visit the palaces in Potsdam. Recommendation

You should focus more on your family and less on work. Advice

I really should be in the office by 7:00 AM. obligation

By now, they should already be in Dubai. Expectation

Using "Should" in Present, Past, and Future

Most modal verbs behave quite irregularly in the past and the future. Study the chart below to learn how "should" behaves in different contexts.

Modal Use

Positive Forms

1. = Present   2. = Past   3. = Future

Negative Forms

1. = Present   2. = Past   3. = Future

You can
also use:

recommendation, advisability

  1. People with high cholesterol should eat low-fat foods.
  2. Frank should have eaten low-fat foods. That might have prevented his heart attack.
  3. You really should start eating better.
  1. Sarah shouldn't smoke so much. It's not good for her health.
  2. Sarah shouldn't have smoked so much. That's what caused her health problems.
  3. Sarah shouldn't smoke when she visits Martha next week. Martha hates when people smoke in her house.

ought to


I should be at work before 9:00.

We should return the video before the video rental store closes.

"Should" can also express something between recommendation and obligation. "Be supposed to" expresses a similar idea and can easily be used in the past or in negative forms.


be supposed to


  1. Susan should be in New York by now.
  2. Susan should have arrived in New York last week. Let's call her and see what she is up to.
  3. Susan should be in New York by next week. Her new job starts on Monday.
  1. Susan shouldn't be in New York yet.
  2. Susan shouldn't have arrived in New York until yesterday.
  3. Susan shouldn't arrive in New York until next week.

ought to,
be supposed to


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

English Project

Ana García, Patricio Naranjo, Liliana Llerena.


Information Questions


There are six basic forms used in making information

("Wh-") questions: two if the verb is BE, two if there is an auxiliary verb and a main verb, and two if there is only a verb (not BE and not with an auxiliary).

Forming Information Questions

with BE

If the verb is BE, there are two forms for information questions. If the question asks about the subject (or part of the subject), the form is Wh + BE + other words? Examples: ??? is in the kitchen. ---> Who is in the kitchen? The ??? man is Bob's father. / The man ??? is Bob's father. ---> Which man is Bob's father? ???'s brother was with us yesterday. ---> Whose brother was with us yesterday? ???'s books are on the coffee table. ---> Whose books are on the coffee table? ??? is in the oven. ---> What is in the oven? ??? people were at the meeting. ---> How many people were at the meeting? (What kind of people were at the meeting?) ??? sugar is in this cake. ---> How much sugar is in this cake? The car ??? is Bill's. ---> Which car is Bill's?

If the verb is BE and if the question asks about words that are after the subject, the form is Wh + BE + subject + other words?


Bill is ??? ---> Where is Bill? The party was ??? ---> How was the party? (When was the party? / Where was the party?) The party was at ???'s house. ---> Whose house was the party at? [informal] / At whose house was the party? [formal / careful] This is ???'s book. ---> Whose book is this? Nancy was upset ??? ---> Why was Nancy upset? (How come Nancy was upset? / What was Nancy upset for?) There were ??? people at the concert. ---> How many people were there at the concert? Mr. Soto's office is on the ??? floor. ---> Which floor is Mr. Soto's office on? [informal] / On which floor is Mr. Soto's office? [formal / careful] The meeting was ???. ---> How was the meeting? / Where was the meeting? / When was the meeting? / What time was the meeting? Yasuhiro was ??? angry. ---> How angry was Yasuhiro? The twins were ??? on their last birthday. ---> How old were the twins on their last birthday? The lecture was ??? long. ---> How long was the lecture?

Special Notes

1. Contractions of "Wh- words" and is are very common, especially in speaking:

Where is ---> Where's When is ---> When's What is ---> What's Who is ---> Who's Why is ---> Why's How is ---> How's etc.

In informal conversation, you will also hear contractions of "Wh- words" and are, but these contractions are not usually written:

Where are ---> (Where're) When are ---> (When're) What are ---> (What're) Who are ---> (Who're) How are ---> (How're) etc.

2. For formal (careful) writing and speaking, many people believe that questions or statements with a preposition at the end are not beautiful (not good style). Questions and statements ending with a preposition are common in speaking, but for careful writing, combine the preposition with the question word: The papers are in the ??? room. ---> Which room are the papers in? [informal] In which room are the papers? [formal / careful] That paragraph is from the ??? page. ---> Which page is that paragraph from? [informal] From which page is that paragraph? [formal / careful] Their house is near ??? Street. ---> Which street is their house near? [informal] Near which street is their house? [formal / careful]

Grammar Focus (unit 4)

Yes / No and Wh-questions with do

Do or does are auxiliary

Use of do / does:

Do: I You We You They

Does: He She It

Exception: a) We don't use do/does with the verb "be" (am, are, is)

Examples: • Affirmative sentence: Xavi is Spanish • Question: Is Xavi Spanish? • Affirmative sentence: You are tired • Question: Are you tired? Excepción: b) We don't use do/does if we ask for the SUBJECT of a verb?

Examples: • James plays tennis. • Clive lives in Spain. • John reads lots of books. Examples with the use of do / does:

Question Long Answer Short Answer
Do you write a report in your computer? Yes, I write a report in my computer Yes, I do
No, I don´t write a report in my computer No, I don´t
Do you film a movie? Yes, I film a movie Yes, I Do
No, I don´t film a movie No, I don´t
Does Mr. Martin play in the park? Yes, he plays in the park Yes, he does
No, he doesn´t play in the park No, he doesn´t

Information questions "Wh-" What, Which, Where, Who, When


Question Word +


Auxiliary + Subject + Verb + ?
What do you do?
Which door does she close?
Where Do the students come from?
Which newspaper Do we read?

Personal Pronouns

Subject Object (after verb or preposition)
Singular 1 st person I
 2nd person   You
 3rd    He she it	

you him her it

Plural 1 st person We
 2nd person       You
 3rd              they	us


Larry is sitting next to Linda He is sitting next to her

What is behind you? The board is behind me

What is between you and me? The table is between us

(Yes / No) Questions and short answers with BE

For simple questions with BE, there are three possible answers: with Yes, with No, and I don't know. The answers with Yes and No can be either complete sentences or "abbreviated forms":


Is Joe here today? ---> Yes, Joe (he) is here today. Yes, he is. No, Joe (he) isn't here today. No, he isn't. (No, he's not.) No.

Were Alice and Bob in an accident? ---> Yes, Alice and Bob (they) were in an accident. Yes, they were. Yes.
Contractions are very common in complete answers--with both Yes and No:
Were Alice and Bob in an accident? Yes, they were in an accident. No, they weren't in an accident. Am I on time? Yes, you're on time. No, you aren't (you're not) on time.

Contractions are also common in "abbreviated" answers, but only with No:

Is Joe here today? Yes, he is. No, he isn't (he's not). Yes, he's.

Was Joe here yesterday? Yes, he was. No, he wasn't.

PROYECTO 1. STUDENTS NAMES: Marcia Gaibor, Cristian Mosquera, Angel Carranza.

PRESENT TENSE Structure Examples We use the Present Simple Tense: To form the Present Simple Tense we use the verb's base form (go, work, speak, study). In 3rd person singular (he, she, it), the base form of the verb takes -s/es. (Auxiliary verbs "be," "do," "have", which can also be used as main verbs, are exceptions.) 1. Philip gets up at 6 o'clock every morning. 2. I go to school every day. 3. She sometimes goes out on Friday night. 4. I usually sleep late on Sunday morning. 5. Peter works for 8 hours every day. 6. We usually start work at 8 o'clock. 7. My children often watch TV in the afternoon. 8. He always forgets his keys. when we talk about things that happen repeatedly or habitually

With Present Simple Tense we often use time expressions such as always, often, sometimes, usually, seldom, on Saturdays, rarely, never, every day, etc. Affirmative form I you work we they. he/she/it works /-s/ go - goes /-es/ watch - watches /-es/ play - plays /-s/ study - studies /-es/ Remember: To be I/you/we/they are he/she/it is

to do I/you/we/they do he/she/it does to have I/you/we/they have he/she/it has

Negative form I you DO NOT /don't/ we WORK they

he/she/it DOES NOT

             /doesn't / WORK

1. She doesn't often go to the cinema. 2. I don't get up early at the weekend. 3. They don't speak English very well. Interrogative form I DO you WORK?


DOES he/she/it WORK?

1. Do they speak foreign languages? 2. Do you want a banana? 3. Does your sister play the piano? Questions and short answers:

Do you like spaghetti? Yes, I do. No, I don't. Does she know Bulgarian? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.

1. I work in a bank. 2. Kate speaks English very well. 3. Tom lives in London. when we talk about permanent or long-lasting situations 1. People make choices because they can't have everything they want. 2. Nurses work in clinics and hospitals. 3. Football is a very popular sport in Bulgaria.

when we talk about people or things in general 1. The Earth is spherical. 2. My birthday is in May. 3. California is in the United States. 4. The sun rises in the east. 5. Water freezes at 0°C (32°F). to indicate general truths, facts and scientific laws 1. We arrive in Rome at 6 p.m. 2. The train leaves in five minutes. 3. The course starts next Thursday.

when we talk about travel plans and timetables (mainly with verbs such as go, leave, arrive, start, come, return etc.) 1. She loves jazz music. 2. My aunt hates travelling by train. 3. I like ice cream. I don't like spinach. 4. I think she is a wonderful person. 5. Do you believe in God? 6. I have no money at the moment. 7. My brother has a new car. 8. That bicycle belongs to me. with state (or stative) verbs such as like, dislike, love, think, seem, look, know, feel, understand, want, need, hate, remember, forget, prefer, believe, mean, taste, hear, see, have (when the meaning is "possess"), own, belong, etc. These verbs are not normally used in the Continuous Tense (but there are exceptions). 1. Pour all ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix until smooth. 2. 2. Walk down the street to the corner and then turn right. to give instructions/directions The Present Simple Tense is also used in : sentences after "when", "after", "while", "till" / "until", "before", "as soon as" - When the rain stops, we'll go out. I'll call you back as soon as I return home. zero conditional sentences (when the result of the condition is always true) - If you heat water to 100°C (212°F), it boils.

first conditional sentences (Often called the "real" conditional because it is used for real (or possible) situations. These situations take place if a certain condition is met.) - If you finish your homework I'll bring you to the zoo. Notes about formation of the 3rd person singular (he, she, it):

If the verb ends in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x or -o, add -es to the base form:

kiss - kisses, finish - finishes, watch - watches, mix - mixes, go – goes
If the verb ends in consonant + y change y to i and add -es:
 study - studies, copy - copies,  try - tries, carry - carries	

WH. QUESTIONS. WITH PRESENT TENSE Question Word Auxiliary Subject Verb Complement Where do they go to school? When does Mary watch T.V.? What did you do yesterday? What time do they get up every day? Why does John come late? Who(m) did Ann go with? How often do they play soccer?

Change each sentence into a Wh- question using the question word in brackets.


ENGLISH Some typical wh questions with this tense WH word + auxiliary + subject + verb What time do you wake up? What time do you get up? What time does she leave home in the morning? What does he do at night ? Where do you go in the afternoon? Where does he live? When do you wake up / get up ? When does she go to bed? When does the movie start? How many hours do you work in a day? How many cigars does he smoke in a day? How often do you go to the cinema? Who do you go out with at weekends? Why does he go to bed so late?

QUANTIFIERS • all • no • each and every • some • any • much and a lot of • many and several • more and most • little and a little • less • few and fewer • enough • one, two, three, etc. • first, second, third, etc. • last • either (... or) and neither (... nor) Quantifiers / Quantity expressions All, no, each, every, some, any, much, many, several, more, most, little, less, a lot of, few, fewer, enough, one, two, first, second, last, either, neither. all • we use with count nouns no We use in negative sentences after the verb , in positive form. I've got no money left. each and every We use only in count nouns in singular. some • We use with count nouns in plural. I've borrowed some books from the library. any We use with count and non count nouns in negative and interrogative sentences. There aren't any glasses here. much and a lot of • Much . We use with non count nouns.

Please, put a lot of cream on my apple pie. many and several • Only we use in count nouns in plural Many German tourists come to Spain in Summer.

more and most • We use in count and non count nouns in plural. Teenagers should eat more fruit and vegetables. little and a little We use with non count nouns and it means small quantity. I think you pay (very) little attention to my explanations. less • We use with non count nouns and it means a smallest quantity. few and fewer We use with count nouns in plural. There are few LP's in the record shop.. enough. We use with count and non count nouns in plural.

There is enough lemonade for everyone 

TIME EXPRESSIONS Preposition of place (at, on, in) Part 1: Uses of at, in, and on • In: We use in to specify that a noun (object, person etc) is inside. Figure #1:

Examples: 1. Where is your father? He’s in the kitchen. 2. Who is in the room? 3. Brian was swimming in the ocean. 4. Bogota is in Colombia. • At: We use at to refer to a “general” location. Figure # 2

Examples: a. Maria is at the window talking on the phone. b. Juan is at the table with his girlfriend. c. Please read the paragraph at the top of the page. d. The restaurant is at the end of German Avenue.

• On: We use on when we want to say that an object or person is on the surface of another object. Examples: - Your books are on the shelf. - Don’t put your hands on my head. A What is a Preposition? preposition usually indicates the temporal, spatial or logical relationship of its object to the rest of the sentence as in the following examples: • The book is on the table. • The book is beneath the table. • The book is leaning against the table. • The book is beside the table. • She held the book over the table. • She read the book during class. Preposition of place (at, on, in) Part 1: Uses of at, in, and on • In: We use in to specify that a noun (object, person etc) is inside. Figure #1:

Examples: • Where is your father? He’s in the kitchen. • Who is in the room? • Brian was swimming in the ocean. • Bogotá is in Colombia.

At: We use at to refer to a “general” location. Figure # 2

Examples: 1. Maria is at the window talking on the phone. 2. Juan is at the table with his girlfriend. 3. Please read the paragraph at the top of the page. 4. The restaurant is at the end of German Avenue. On: We use on when we want to say that an object or person is on the surface of another object. Examples: 1. Your books are on the shelf. 2. Don’t put your hands on my head. IN. We use with the months, years, and stations. Ex. • In October. • In1985. • In summer. With expressions. • In the past. • In the present. • In the future. • In the morning. • In the afternoon. • In t6he evening. AT. We use with the time.

Ex. At 5  0´clock.

Expressions. • At night. • At the moment. • At the present. ON. We use for dates and days of the week. EX. On march 12. • On October 31, 1968. • 0n tuesday • on friday morning. We have other prepositions of time such as. Around, early, late, until, before and after, etc.

Estimate Teache Eduardo, this is our proyect.

Best Regards.

Marcia, Cristian and Angel. Students

Demonstratives are deictic words (they depend on an external frame of reference) that indicate which entities a speaker refers to and distinguishes those entities from others. The demonstratives in English are this, that, these, and those, with the archaic yon or yonder, possibly followed by one(s) in the case of pronouns, as explained below. The demonstratives this, that, these, those ,show where an object or person is in relation to the speaker. The general rules: ►As demonstrative adjectives, this (and these) indicate proximity, that (and those) indicate distance. This (singular) and these (plural) refer to an object or person near the speaker. That (singular) and those (plural) refer to an object or person further away. It can be a physical closeness or distance as in: Who owns that house? (distant) Is this John's house? (near) Or it can be a psychological distance as in: That's nothing to do with me.. (distant) This is a nice surprise! (near) ►Proximity and distance are defined in terms of space, time, sequence or sentence structure. Example: This pencil is mine, that pencil is yours. “One” is sometimes used as a pro-form, to avoid repeating a noun. This pencil is mine, that one is yours or even (if the context makes it quite clear what is being referred to) This one is mine, that one is yours.

► This (these) and that (those) can also be used as demonstrative pronouns:

   This is mine, that is yours.
When the expressions are modified by a prepositional phrase, this and that tend to be replaced by the one (or by this one, that one):
   This book is mine, but the one (that one) on the table is yours.

We cannot say: This book is mine, but that on the table is yours.


Before the noun. Before the word 'one'. Before an adjective + noun. Alone when the noun is 'understood'. Examples:

That jacket is beautiful.

These chickens play with Mery.

This butterfly is very nice. Those pigeons eat corn.


Number of syllables Comparative Superlative (see rule)

one syllable + -er + -est tall taller tallest one syllable with the spelling consonant + single vowel + consonant: double the final consonant: fat fatter fattest big bigger biggest sad sadder saddest Number of syllables Comparative Superlative two syllables + -er OR more + adj + -est OR most + adj ending in: -y, -ly, -ow ending in: -le, -er or -ure these common adjectives - handsome, polite, pleasant, common, quiet happy happier/ more happy happiest/ most happy yellow yellower/ more yellow yellowest/ most yellow simple simpler/ more simple simplest/ most simple tender tenderer/ more tender tenderest/ most tender

If you are not sure, use MORE + OR MOST + Note: Adjectives ending in '-y' like happy, pretty, busy, sunny, lucky etc:. replace the -y with -ier or -iest in the comparative and superlative form busy busier busiest

Number of syllables Comparative Superlative three syllables or more more + adj most + adj important more important most important expensive more expensive most expensive


A cat is fast, a tiger is faster but a cheetah is the fastest

A car is heavy, a truck is heavier, but a train is the heaviest


These adjectives have completely irregular comparative and superlative forms: Adjective Comparative Superlative good better best bad worse worst little less least much more most far further / farther furthest / farthest COMPARATIVE + THAN To compare the difference between two people, things or events. Examples Mt. Everest is higher than Mt. Blanc.

A car is more expensive than a bicycle.

Albert is more intelligent than Arthur.



affirmative sentences ( + ) 1st person I am I'm I'm here. 2nd person you are you're You're busy. 3rd person he is he's He's a friend. 3rd person she is she's She's a doctor. 3rd person it is it's It's cold today. 1st person pl. we are we're We're hungry. 2nd person pl. you are you're You're beautiful. 3rd person pl. they are they're They're asleep. ________________________________________


negative sentences ( - ) I am not I'm not I'm not thirsty. you are not you aren't you're not You aren't here. You're not a cat! he is not he isn't he's not He isn't there. He's not at home. she is not she isn't she's not She isn't a mother. She's not an actress. it is not it isn't it's not It isn't warm today. It's not too hot today. we are not we aren't we're not We aren't asleep. We're not sleepy. you are not you aren't you're not You aren't tired. You're not at work. they are not they aren't they're not They aren't here. They're not at work.

	BE VERB  &  SUBJECT	(+) Short Answer	(-) Short Answer

questions ( ? ) Am I correct? Yes, I am. No, I'm not. Are you tired? Yes, you are. No, you aren't. No, you're not. Is he asleep? Yes, he is. No, he isn't. No, he's not. Is she here? Yes, she is. No, she isn't. No, she's not. Is it warm? Yes, it is. No, it isn't. No, it's not. Are we students? Yes, we are. No, we aren't. No, we're not. Are you thirsty? Yes, you are. No, you aren't. No, you're not. Are they here? Yes, they are. No, they aren't. No, they're not.

He is a child

I am a child

We are happies

They are students



GRUPO 4 Possessive adjectives

my your his her its our your (plural) their

We can use the possessive adjectives BEFORE the nouns to show possession. —> This is my BOOK. That’s her pencil. (Possessive adjectives need to be followed by a noun)

Special Notes: 1. Important: Adjectives are not plural in English, so possessive adjectives have only one form: That's my / your / his / her / our / their key. Those are my / your / his / her / our / their keys.

2.- The words its and it's are pronounced the same, but they have different meanings and grammar: its = possessive adjective it's = contraction for it is or it has Do not use it's for a possessive adjectives: wrong: What are *it's main advantages? wrong: Read the instruction manual.

  • It's directions are easy to understand.




María de los Angeles Delgado

Ma. Augusta Moreno

Jonathan Pacheco


Source: http://www.codeso.com/TurismoEcuador/MapaQuitoHistorico.html

Colonial Quito: It is characterized by its high constructions of adobe, their facades, their narrow streets and the reddish roofing tiles of the ceilings. The old churches, colonial convents and houses that border their streets and squares, constitute a singular attractive.

According to UNESCO, Quito has the largest, best-preserved, and least-altered historic centre (320 hectares) in Latin America, despite several earthquakes. It was the first city that was inscribed onto the UNESCO World Heritage List, in 1978. Some of the churches are:

La Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús (English: The Church of the Society of Jesus, known colloquially as La Compañía) is a Jesuit church in the historic center of Quito, Ecuador. It is one of the most well-known churches in Quito because of its central nave, which is covered in seven tons of gold leaf. It was modeled after the Church of the Gesù and Sant'Ignazio in Rome.

Styled in Latin American Baroque, it took Jesuit priests 160 years to finish construction. Design elements include a near symmetrical facade, Moorish influence in the nave, and artwork by artists of the Quito School of Art. The bell tothe tas the tallest structure in colonial Quito, but was toppled by two earthquakes in 1859 & 1868. In the past twenty-years, the church has gone under heavy restoration, especially after a fire damaged the interior nave. The remains of Ecuador's patron saint, Mariana de Jesús, are in a sarcophagus that is part of the main altar.

source: http://www.pbase.com/monish/image/4786883

source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/61/Quito_-_La_Compa%C3%B1%C3%ADa.jpg

The Cathedral of Quito (Spanish: La Catedral de Quito, officially La Catedral) is the cathedral church in Quito, Ecuador. Located on the southern side of La Plaza Grande, it serves as the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Quito. It is considered to be one of the oldest cathedrals in South America. Ravines prevented the facade from facing the plaza, as is customary in Spanish city design. Artwork by artist of the Quito School of Art adorn the interior. The main alter is designed in Baroque style, while the exterior is orthodox Spanish. The church has many historical points of interest. Plaques on the outside walls commemorate the launching point of Francisco de Orellana's expedition to the Amazon. The catacombs of the cathedral serve as a resting place to many important figures in Ecuador's history, such as independence leader Antonio José de Sucre, who is laided to rest at the Mausoleum Chapel. The small altar of Nuestra Señora de los Dolores (English: Our Lady of Sorrows) has a plaque showing where Gabriel García Moreno was shot in 1875.

source: http://www.enjoyecuador.net/english/multimedia/quito/catedral02_in.shtml


The Basilica of the National Vow (Spanish: Basílica del Voto Nacional) is a Roman Catholic church located in Quito, Ecuador. Grotesques on the southeastern face of the Basílica del Voto Nacional Consecrated in 1988, it remains technically "unfinished." Local legend says that when the Basílica is completed, the end of the world will come. The building is noted for its grotesques in the form of native Ecuadorian animals. Pope John Paul II blessed the Basilica on January 30th, 1985 and in 1988 it was declared immaculate.





source: http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=738384

The San Francisco Only weeks after the foundation of Quito, in 1534, began the construction of this church, that took 70 years in completing it. The complex was founded by the Franciscan Fray Jodoco Rico. On the main altar, the famous Bernardo of Legarda carried out the famous winged Virgin of Quito that cover by a spectacular dome is found of carved baroque. The complex was built by Francisco Cantuña. The legend says that he did a pact with the Devil, delivering him its soul in exchange for finishing the Church. The Devil, anxious to receive the soul of Cantuña, helped it to complete this monumental work with armies of devils. Once it finished the work, he required that Cantuña delivered its soul. Cantuña insisted first that the work of the devil be examined and upon verifying that lacked a stone, managed to save its soul, at work incomplete thanks of the Devil.

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/centrohistoricoquito/3176457799/ Source: http://www.enjoyecuador.net/english/multimedia/quito/sanfrancisco02_in.shtml

Iglesia de Santo Domingo: Located in the restlesssquare of the same name, this church is famous for thereligious beauty and excellence of his cupolas and sculptures that adorns the interior of the temple.

source: http://www.in-quito.com/tourist-attractions-quito-ecuador/quito-tourist-attractions-historic-11.JPG source: http://www.fotocommunity.es/pc/pc/display/12759305

Iglesia de La Merced: Its tower of 47 meters is the highest of old Quito. It is considered as one of the last churches constructed in the colonial period (works began in 1700 and concluded in 1734). It has artistic works of great value and the oldest clock in the city.

source: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3246/2726574802_1c52896293.jpg

source: http://ajimenezlara.files.wordpress.com/2006/12/la-merced500.jpg

Monastery of San Agustin: Once called the gold Convent, due to its excessive decoration. In one of its rooms (called La Sala Capitular) the first Act of Independence was signed (1809), whereas in its catacombs, are the remains of the Ecuadorians patriots, executed by the realistic troops (Spanish). It was built in 1573 by the order of the Agustinian Fathers. In 1868 took place an earthquake that caused so much damage in it's structure; that it had to be rebuilt. In 1987 another earthquake harmed the church and there are still recovery works.

source: http://www.in-quito.com/pictures/san-agustin-church_1.jpg

source: http://www6.worldisround.com/photos/27/614/94.jpg

El Sagrario church El Sagrario was built next to the Cathedral church, on huge series of arch¬ways that served to bridge a small runnel in the surface of the land. The facade was cumpleted in 1706 the overall construction in 1715, and the interior decoration between 1731and 1747.

No one knows exactly who drew up the plans. But Legarda the gilder Cristobal Gualoto and the painter Francisco Alban all played an important part in the decoration of the finished building. Gabriel de Escorza Escalante was responsable for the front, and used the same neo-classical order that had gone into the building of San Agustín a few years earlier.

source: www.viajes.es/america/ecuador/quito/quito-iglesia-de-el.sagracio-l4.jpg

source: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_cT1ZJqhbcGk/SLGK1uLUamI/AAAAAAAABS0/TnaltsoIbYA/s1600-h/2789983574_e5bba69e3f_b.jpg

GROUP # 2:

Piedad Gonsalez

Nathalia Sanchez


San Francisco de Quito, most often called Quito, is the capital city of Ecuador in northwestern South America. It is located in north-central Ecuador in the Guayllabamba river basin, on the eastern slopes of Pichincha,[1] an active stratovolcano in the Andes mountains. With a population of 1,397,698 according to the last census (2001), and, as estimated by the municipality, approximately 1,504,991 in 2005,[2] Quito is the second most populous city in Ecuador, after Guayaquil. It is also the capital of the Pichincha province and the seat of Metropolitan District of Quito. The canton recorded a population of 1,842,201 residents in the 2001 national census. In 2008 the city was designated as the headquarters of the Union of South American Nations.

Quito “Light of Latin American”

Yo soy el chullita quiteño

la vida me paso encantado

no hay mujeres en el mundo

como las de mi canción.

There are parts of the lyric of the song “el chullita quiteño” the most popular song of Quito.

Quito is the capital of Ecuador and of the Province of Pichincha. The Foundation of Quito was on December 6th 1534.

The city is situated on the sides of Pichincha volcano in a valley of the Andes Mountains- If is at an elevation of S650 m (9550 ft) above sea level. Quito is near the equator, but because its elevation is high, the weather is moderate. There is not much heavy industry in Quito. Some products Quito produces are textiles, leather, cement, future, and gold and silver handicrafts. Roads and a railroad (opened in 1908) connects the city to the Pacific Ocean. The Pan-American Highway goes through the city and connects it to other cities m the Andes.

Quito is an old South American capital. It has many colonial buildings. The city has a central plaza, many quiet parks and flower gardens, and many narrow streets. The architecture of Quito is chiefly in the Spanish baroque style- Tourists can visit many beautiful buildings. There is a 17th-century cathedral m the plaza, and there are many churches downtown, such as San Francisco, San Agustín. La Compañía, and Santo Domingo. Many students in Quito go to the Central University of Ecuador (1769), the Pontified Catholic University of Ecuador C1946), or the National Polytechnic School (1869).



ma. de los angeles and magus

Quito downtown

San Miguel de los Bancos names: donatila and Jonathan

GROUP # 1: Anita Martinez & Ma. Fernanda Muñoz

Alejandro Sanz’s Biography

Alejandro Sánchez Pizarro was born 18 December 1968 in Madrid, Spain. His star sign is Sagittarius. His favourite toy was a tape-recorder. His parents give him a guitar when he was 7 - he would torture everybody playing it everynight - however he was very convinced that he wanted to be a shoemaker. His father had got an artistic agency, but he had taken part in some groups and recordered as studio singer. His sponsor was Manuel Alejandro, a song genious and doubtless, the most important spanish composer, author of the most important Raphael and Rocio Jurado's hits and other singers. Alejandro has felt devotion for his family. He has his family photos in his wallet. He bought a Mercedes to his father when he could do it and he set up a hairdresser for his mother. In 1994 he left Moratalaz and he moved a luxurious neighborhood in the north of Madrid, with secret address that his fans would find it soon. A big house with 600 m2 in 4 floors. He is still living with his family. One of his biggest frustation is that he could have had more learning, so he try developing constantly. He love reading and his favourite writers are Becquer, Tagore, Rosalia de Castro. He has got almost as a rule reading and writing before going bed. Well, he is writing almost everytime he always takes a little notebook or a tape-recorder because he can have an inspiration any time. He writes sheets and sheets of paper. " You need write a lot if you want what you write was good" and he has a discipline. " My favourite time working is at late night. I spend my time at home many days, I go out a couple of hours at night to meet my friends, and at one or two I go back my room and I start working." His musical likings are very varied and get pop or melody songs, Flamenco, Jazz, etc... His favourite cities are Madrid and Sevilla. He doesn't read horoscope, but he is a bit superstitious , he doesn't let anybody from his team wear in yellow on the stage. He's untidy but very punctual. He has got a place where he can be close to sun in his house, because he likes having a sunbath. He likes big salads, withe rice, oisters, shellfish and he hates all kind of entrails. He drinks isotonic drinks in concerts " It's an idea I took from Sergio Dalma " and he takes a shower and changes his clothes everytime he go in and out his house. He likes going gym everyday and he loves Tenis, his favourite sport. To travel he prefers train that car or plane. Alejandro knew Jaydy Mitchel in April of 1995 and in December 31 of 1998, Alejandro marriaged with the Mexican model Jaydy Mitchell The wedding takes place in Bali and it is not been worth legally for none of both in their respective countries and he says: " We have not notified it neither to the State neither the Church that already have enough problems". Alejandro decided together with Jaydy that the wedding takes place in Bali. "We marry in Bali because we like a lot the spirituality that they have. I made it to be able to be alone, my family and that of her and to be the most discreet possible. Unfortunately it was mounted, but I made this way it because it was our form of seeing it." Their first daughter was born that called Manuela on Saturday July 28 of 2001 in the afternoon, she weighed 3,310 kilos and she measured 49 centimeter. His career begins at the end of the 80, when recording the disk Los chulos son pa' cuidarlos, under Great Alejandro's name, album that passed unprovided. after, in 1990, it participates next to Tino Casal in Juan Carlos Valenciaga second disk , Como un placer. And in 1991 it published the first disk, 'Viviendo de prisa', with which got seven platinum disks in Spain. In 1993 Alejandro Sanz published 'Si tu me miras', with the collaboration of artists of great size. It also left to the light 'Basico', a small summary with the best topics in the previous disks but with a more acoustic sound. Other disks published in its short but fruitful career have still been ´3´' and 'Mas' And in the autumn of the 2000 it published a new disk: 'El Alma Al aire', of which thousands of copies were sold before even of the official launching, and that it supposed their biggest commercial success. In the 2001 Alejandro Sanz becomes first Spanish that participates in the noted acoustic series of the MTV with its own Unplugged, engraving in Miami and in the one that its main topics are included.

On September 2 of  2003, he opened at world level Alejandro's new disk Sanz, titled 'No es lo mismo’. This disk was recorded and blended between the months of February and July of 2003 between Madrid and Miami. Alejandro Sanz was surrounded for the occasion of American musicians of first level like Anthony Jackson, Michael Landau or Vinnie Colaiuta besides Cuban musicians as Horacio 'The Black one' and it had the special collaboration of Paco De Lucía in one of the songs. For the first time, Alejandro Sanz assumes the production works of one of its disks, together with the arrangement and Cuban producer Lulo Pérez, habitual collaborator of Alejandro Sanz in its last tours.    

On November 16 of 2004, publish Alejandro's first recopilatorio Sanz, taking for title "Grandes sucesos: 91-04", gathering all the better of a thirteen year-old career, with topics that they go from "Mi soledad y yo", to "No es lo mismo", and it includes fourteen rarities and two unpublished songs.

For this triple CD, Alejandro Sanz composed two new topics, "Tu no tienes alma", a song in which makes a reclamation to somebody that gave way to its luck, elect as it sails of presentation, and "Cuando sea espacio."  

In this summary of his career he could not lack holding as: "Corazòn partìo", and, "si fuera ella ", "La fuerza del corazòn", "Amiga", "Pisando fuerte", "Viviendo de prisa", "Y si fuera Ella" and "Cuando nadie me ve." On November 7 of 2006 Alejandro Sanz publishes a new study work, titled "El tren de los momentos". Engraving almost entirely in its new study of Miami, the album has important collaborations of invited artists as Shakira, Antonio Carmona, Juanes and Street 13. Ten topics taken place by him same, with diversity of voices and that it allows to approach loving topics from contrary points of view, playing social, political fibers or of faith. On March 16 of 2008, accepted the invitation of Juanes to participate in the great Concert Peace without Opposite, on the Bridge Simón Bolívar that separates Colombia of Venezuela, next to other big singers like Carlos Lives, Miguel Bosé, Juan Fernando Velasco, Juan Luis Guerra and Ricardo Montaner. To the event they attended 60.000 people approximately. Prizes and rewards 1997 reward Friend (Spain) - better Masculine Artist reward Waves (Spain) - better National Artist Prizes of the Music (Spain): better National Artist Better Composer, better Album for Màs, better it Sails for "Corazòn Partío", better Video for "Corazòn Partío" 1998 reward Friend (Spain) - Special Homage reward Waves (Spain) - better Song for "Corazòn Partío" 1999 World Music Awards - Best Selling Spanish Artist 2000 IFPI Platinum Awards for Màs reward Waves - better Spanish Artist 2001 Better Artist Album of the Year for El Alma al aire IFPI Platinum Awards for El Alma Al aire Festival of the Song "Viña delMar" (Chile): I Reward Gull of Gold and Gull of Silver Video MTV Music Awards - Winner "Video of People" for El alma al aire 2002 Prizes of the Music (Spain): better Song for "Y solo se me ocurre amarte", better Album for MTV Unplugged (Alejandro Sanz), better Video for El Alma al aire. 3rd Latin Grammy Awards: Album of the Year for MTV Unplugged (Alejandro Sanz), Recording of the Year for "Y solo se me ocurre amarte", Song of the Year for "Y solo se me ocurre amarte" reward Gardel (Argentina): better Masculine Artist, Album of the Year for MTV Unplugged (Alejandro Sanz). Prizes Hear (Mexico) - better Masculine Pop Artist Prizes Moon (Mexico) - International Ballad 2003 Reward Him Ours to the Latin Music (it USES): Nominated as better Pop album of the year for MTV Unplugged (Alejandro Sanz) Billboard Awards : Nominated as Prize of the Town Internet 2004 Billboard Awards (it USES): Nominated as Latin Pop Album of the year - Male for No es lo mismo, Nominated as Prize of the Audience. 5th Latin Grammy Awards: Recording of the year for No es lo mismo, Album of the year for No es lo mismo, Song of the year for No es lo mismo, better masculine pop vocal album for No es lo mismo Prizes Moon (Mexico): better Spanish Pop artist 3rd Video MTV Music Awards Latin America 2004: Nominated as Video of the year for No es lo mismo, Nominated as Artist of the year, Nominated as better soloist or interpreter, Nominated as better pop artist. 2005 6th Latin Grammy Awards: Recording of the year for Tu no tienes alma, Song of the year for Tu no tienes alma 2008 2th Grammy Awards: Better disk Latin pop music for the disk El tren de los momentos

Tintín Fernando Cahusqui Carlos

The Amazon Known as the Oriente by most Ecuadorians, is hot and wet all year round. The average temperature is 3 C. threre are six different provinces which make up Ecuador’s Amazon region as follows: Sucumbios, Napo, Pastaza, Morona Santiago and Zamora Chinchipe.

Although the Oriente covers almost half of the surface of Ecuador, only 4.8% of the population live in this vast area. Tropical rain forests cover 7% of the Earth’s surface, but they hold 50% of the world’s biodiversity.

The principal attraccion of the hilly forest is, of course, the trees, some soaring higher than 46m. In the jungles of the Upper Amazon 100 species of trees per acre habe been recorded.

Tropical rain forests cover 7% of the Earth’s surface, but they hold 50% of the world’s biodiversity.

The Amazon’s rivers, lakes, streams and marshlands support over 600 species of fish and more than 250 species of amphibians and reptiles.

The lagoons of the Napo and Aguarico River basins are home to colonies two species of caymans that grow to over 13 feet in length.

The Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest in the habitat of several indigenous ethnic groups and tribes such as Huaorani, Shuar, Ashuar, Kichwa, Siona Secoya, Cofan, Zaparo, and Quijos who are living traditionally, maintaining their district customs and traditions. But, the Amazon´s cultures have serious problems such as migration to mains cities, loss of their ancestral memory and exploitation because specially men working in transnational industries.

This indigenous people that have lived in the Amazon rainforest for thousands of years keep their ancestral traditions alive, displaying their customs, rituals and wisdom acting as the guardians of the word´s biodiversity and conserving this unique ecosystem for future generations.

In the Ecuadorian Amazon region there are important protected areas, such as Yasuni National Park, Cuyabeno Reserve, Huaorani Protectorate, Sumaco-Napo-Galeras National Park.

Ecuador offers probably one of the world´s best developed infrastructures for rainforest tourism and in addition to this most destinations are accessible within a day´s journey from the capital Quito.

Imbabura Province

A visit to Ecuador is never complete without at least a few days spent in Imbabura, the province of lakes and mountains, of inspiring landscapes and folklore. This province is only 50 miles North of Quito on the Pan-American Highway.

Otavalo Indigenous Market: Otavalo is a small city of about 50,000 inhabitants. It lies at 8,300 ft above sea level in a spring-like valley, situated between the Imbabura volcano (15,118 feet) and the Cotacachi volcano (16,200 feet).

The most famous indigenous market in Ecuador is held here. Although the market is bigger on Saturdays, you can visit it any day and find an impressive variety of all kinds of Ecuadorian handcrafts. At dawn you may see indigenous people arriving the market place from many mountain trails surrounding the city. They come from nearby villages and towns such as Peguche, Agato and Iluman, to sell their products. One may visit the workshops of these local weavers working on back strap and Spanish treadle looms, as well as other artisans at work making felt hats, knitting sweaters or weaving straw mats.

Other attractions in Imbabura:

San Pablo Lake: the largest lake in the province. Indigenous people fish early in the morning in their straw canoes, and also bathe and wash their clothes in this lake during the day. Inns, farms and restaurants where you can spend a weekend or just a day full of entertainment surround the lake. You can also take a boat ride around the lake, or enjoy other water sports such as sailing, water skiing, jet ski, etc.

Condor Park

At the summit of Curiloma, a magical place with one of the most breathtaking landscapes of the Ecuadorian Andes, this wildlife refuge and educational park is home to majestic Andean Condors and other vultures.

Just 3 miles away from Otavalo, the Condor Park was laid out. This thirty-acre park is managed by a foundation dedicated to the care and rescue of predatory birds such as hawks and eagles, vultures and owls.

This park is unique in many ways. It is located on a hill known to the locals as the “Pukara Alto”, an energetic center since pre-Columbian times, where ruins remain of a religious pre-Inca temple. The sights are amazing, 360 degrees around of mountains, lake, valleys and towns.

The park does not yet house a great number of birds as these are not captured, rather they have been collected to be healed or taken care of properly when they have been in captivity.

Large cages are distributed along a cobblestone walk through the park to admire a variety of birds such as the Barred Hawk, the King Vulture, the Greater Red-Headed Vulture, the Spectacled Owl, the Arctic Owl, the Mottled Owl, among others. Finally, you will run into the large cage of the impressive Andean Condor at an endangered status however easily bred in captivity.

Twice a day there are flight exhibitions with the hawks and falcons with the awesome sights as a background.

Cotacachi Village: its narrow streets are full of stores that sell a great variety of leather goods.

Cuicocha Lake: an impressive landscape of deep blue waters surrounded by hills. Take a hike around the lake. If you are lucky, you can see a condor.

Cuicocha Lake: an impressive landscape of deep blue waters surrounded by hills. Take a hike around the lake. If you are lucky, you can see a condor.

Ibarra City: This clean, freshly painted colonial city, capital of the province, is also known as the white city. It lies at 7.000 ft, and has a population of approximately 110,000. Ibarra enjoys one of the best climates of the Sierra. Typical products include arrope de mora (blackberry syrup) and nogadas (a sweet made with walnuts). Eat the delicious “paila” ice creams (whipped natural fruit) while walking around this city.

Yaguarcocha Lake: its name means “blood lake”. Years ago, a bloody battle among Indigenous ethnical groups took place at this lake, thus the name. Now a car racetrack surrounds the lake and often international car racing events take place here.

San Antonio de Ibarra: a small village where everyone is in the business of carving wooden items. These items are sold in small shops around the village.

Chota: this town is located in a valley with warm weather and desert landscape that contrasts with the rest of Imbabura. It is located on the northern part of the province. With its proud black community and its traditions, Chota seems like a piece of Africa in Ecuador.


Regions in Ecuador.- In Ecuador you'll find some regions where food is different due to the culture of the people and the ingredients available locally. The main regions are:

-Coast Region.- Agricultural and fisheries region, your food uses banana, seafood and other ingredients from the coast. Some examples are: Encebollado, Ceviche.
Encebollado Is a popular dish from Ecuador. While it originates from the coast, it is popular around the whole country due to restaurants featuring the region's cuisine. It is a type of soup made of albacora (a type of tuna), yuca, tomatoes and onions and generally sprinkled with lemon juice. In the coast, it can be found in restaurants called Picanterías.

-Sierra (Andes Mountains).- There is a strong indian influence in the food and food names (note that all coast food names are in Spanish while most Sierra ones are in Quichua). They use a lot of potato, corn, and other grains. Some examples are: Fanesca, Llapingacho, Cuy. Exotic dish: "Cuy"
Cuy is the name of this dish, alternately called Cobayo is a guinea pig. The taste is compared to rabbit, thought delicious, and though difficult to accept for people in other countries who regard guinea pigs as pets, the cuy is a staple of Andean cuisine. They are called "cuy" for the sound they make cuy, cuy.



The purpose of your immune system is to defend your body against infections and diseases. Bacteria or viruses can attack your body by several routes. They may be floating in the air you breathe. They may enter through a cut in your skin or mucous membranes. They may also arrive in contaminated food or water.

The parts of your body which make up the immune system include:
The thymus gland
The marrow inside your bones
Lymph nodes in various places in your body and, lastly
Your tonsils, lumps of tissue forming a ring around the walls of the throat.

Your immune system works through an army of antibodies. Your organism can produce thousands of different kinds of anti¬bodies against each kind of virus or bacterium. When viruses enter the body, the white blood cells (also called lymphocytes) form antibodies. These antibodies are attached to the surface of the white blood cells. The white blood cells grow and divide into more cells. The antibodies attack the harmful viruses. These are captured and unarmed so that they can be eaten by the white blood cells. This process can cure you of a common cold in a week or so. However, if your immune system is damaged in some way, your body has no way to defend itself against even the most trivial illnesses.



Quito is a city that has more pollution in South America, for which it is intended to take measures in 2002. Vehicular sources are the cause of the increased air pollution, which is observed as a black layer on top of mountains.

People must understand that it is a necessity to verify the status of each year to operate the cars in good mechanical condition. To this end, it aims to introduce the vehicular verification centers.

The main emissions affecting the atmosphere of the Metropolitan District are: particulate matter (PM), such as soot, tropospheric ozone, which spreads by wind, and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Air quality is influenced by climate and weather. For example, in summer, ozone is activated more easily by the effect of sunlight. "The soot impregnated in the villages and houses where there is enough traffic flow is a sample of air pollution."

One of the main discomfort caused by air pollution, is the irritation of the eyes, due to the presence of ozone in the air and dust of countless particles in suspension.

Air pollutants can cause irritation and itching of the skin, and various respiratory diseases, vascular and cardiac, reduced ability of blood to carry nutrients and oxygen to the body, digestive disorders, increased frequency of bronchial cancer, cardiovascular problems, such as thrombosis.