

Hello, my name is Josh. I am from The United States of America,and I am 20 years old. I was a browser of Wikipedia for several years and joined Wikipedia recently oqn May 24, 2013. The main area of articles I edit/contribute to are for my favourite TV shows—main article, list of episodes, season and episode articles, and character articles. I also plan on contributing to video game articles, because I'm even bigger fan of video games than TV.

Television shows


The following is a list of TV shows I currently watch along with shows I have watched in the past. Shows that are bold represent they are a favorite ; shows that are bold with a † symbol and a bold # represent a list of my top 10 all time favorite tv series.; shows that have an asterisk (*) represent shows I watched after they completed their original run on television. I am also a huge owner of TV DVD/Blu-rays, owning over 100. Case in point, I'm a huge television fan and consider it my favourite medium of entertainment.

I consider The Big Bang Theory to be my new favorite show overall and the greatest comedy in TV history. My favorite shows of all time are Smallville, The Office, Friends, One Tree Hill and ICarly, but I recognize Chuck as the single greatest television show of all-time and my MOST favorite show ever!

Video games


The next section is a list of video games I have played over the years, organized by console (home consoles only) and release date varying (formats) where applicable . Video games that are highlighted in Bold represent video games that are my favorite  ; Video games that are bold with a † symbol and a bold # represent a list of my top 10 all time favorite video games. I've played every home console dating back to the Nintendo Entertainment System and several handheld too. Over the last 15years have played or owned 2000+ video games and at least 1 home console from each of the last 6 console generations.

My all time favorite video game series are The Legend of Zelda , Mario, Metroid, Final Fantasy, God of War and Kingdom Hearts. Other favorites include Kirby, Pokemon, Super Smash Bros. and Dragon Ball Z. However I recognize Final Fantasy VII, The Last of Us and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time as the greatest video games of all time and the only video games to ever make me [still] cry after I beat them!

Home Consoles




Nintendo Entertainment System


This user lives in the
United States of America.
This user contributes using Windows 7.
This user contributes while using iTunes.
This user owns a nice iPod
This user watches The Office
ScrubsThis user enjoys watching Scrubs.