
WPCleaner – 2.05 (August 26, 2022 (2022-08-26)) [±]

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Bug report or feature request · History of changes · Configuration (help, template) · Wikis · Languages · Users · Screenshots
# Configuration for error 092: Heading double
error_092_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 501: Spelling and typography
error_501_prio_enwiki=0 END
error_501_head_enwiki=Spelling and typography END
error_501_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 504: Reference in title
error_504_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 526: Incorrect date link
error_526_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 547: Empty list item
error_547_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 548: Punctuation in link
error_548_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 549: Split link
error_549_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 550: Link without text
error_550_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 551: Empty line
error_551_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 555: nowiki in text
error_555_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 556: External link in text
# Needs to be configured before enabling it
# error_556_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 557: Missing whitespace before link
error_557_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 558: Duplicated reference
error_558_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 560: Duplicated attribute
error_560_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 561: Redirect with the target as text
error_561_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 562: Consecutive nowiki tags.
error_562_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 563: Unused parameters
error_563_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 564: Unknown parameters
error_564_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 565: nowiki tags between bold/italic formatting. END 
error_565_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 566: abbr tags
error_566_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 567: Non-numeric formatnum arguments
error_567_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 569: Non-breaking space in template parameter name
error_569_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 570: Tag with mw-content-ltr/rtl attribute but not dir or lang
error_570_bot_enwiki=true END

# Configuration for error 572: Unknown values in template parameter
error_572_bot_enwiki=true END