Event budget table
Items Unit Quantity Cost per unit (AED) Total Cost (AED) Total Cost (USD)
Total travel and accomodation costs 285 085 76 972,95
1 Air travel Tickets 55 - 185 055 49 964,85
2 Ground travel - Transport taxis 55 390 21 450 5 791,5
3 Hotel rooms Single rooms 10 495 14 850 4 009,5
4 Hotel rooms Double/twin rooms 28 595 49 980 13 494,6
5 Catering Meals 3 days include morning coffee + lunch + afternoon coffee 250 per person 13 750 3 712,5
Total venue costs 330 000 97 200
1 Rent Venue 3 days includes 2 ballrooms 2 workshop rooms 20 000 60 000 16 200
2 Technical support Service per day 3 days 10 000 30 000 8100
3 Video and audio Service per day 3 days for 1 ballroom 40 000 240 000 64 800
4 Livestream and recording Service per day 3 days 10 000 30 000 8 100
Total staff costs 56 000 15 120
1 Operations coordinator Position 5 months - 20 hours per week 5000/month 25 000 6 750
2 Communications officer Position 4 months - 20 hours per week 4000/month 16 000 4 320
3 Administrative officer Position 5 months - 20 hours per week 3000/month 15 000 4 050
Total other expenses 160 510 43 382,5
1 Internet support 3 days - 10000 2700
2 Human sim translators 3 days 9 000 27 000 7 290
3 Design / logo / Marketing - 40 000 10 800
4 Cultural activities 55 500/person 27 500 7 425
5 Permits, Visa processing and NOC 55 350 19 250 5 197,5
6 Media coverage 25 760 7 000
7 Welcoming gifts ( t-shirts, pens, cups, stickers ....) 55 200/person 11 000 2 970
Grand total 831 595 232 675,45