VALUE OF CHRIST: Did not the contemporaries of Christ come and ask Peter, Does your master pay the half shekel temple tax?(Mathew 17:24) This only reveals as how thorough they were in the Mosaic law as seen in Exodus 30:13-15) If thats the case , there is again a prophecy about Christ in Zechariah 11:12 as

And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver.
But if the temple priests were so clear about the law of Moses , they should have paid Him 50 shekels of silver of the sanctuary as how it is described in Leviticus 27:3 (30 shekels is for women)

Why was Jesus Christ given with vinegar before giving up His Spirit? The holy Bible says that kind words are like honey;enjoyable and healthful,but harsh words are not so.When the grandson of KIng David;Rehoboam(son of Naamah an ammonitess)spoke harsh words the chi9ldren of Israel abondoned him-except for the house of Judah. The book of Job says that Honest words are bitter and the words which Christ spake were true and thats why they gave him bitter gall to drink!(Note:Romans 3:4-Let god be true and every man a lier) John 17:17 states "sanctify them with Thy truth;for Thy word is truth" Lord Jesus