WIN THE DIAMOND is an upcoming 3d action platformer developed by M.S. Entertainment. The game was inspired

by various action platformers.

There is a Diamod hidden somewhere in the game. The player is supposed to collect the diamond to win the game.

But collecting the diamond will not be an easy task as it seems to be. There will be plenty of obsticles, hurdles

and people to defeat. The game is set to release on 7th April 2022.



Win The Diamond Gameplay is mainly revolves around the main protoganist, who tries to complete the level and

progress through next level. His only objective is to find the Diamond which is hidden and protected, and collect it

to win the Diamond. But passing the levels will be challenging as the difficulty of the level increases from level to level. The number of enemies to defeat will get tougher and tougher. At the end of the last level there will be a boss fight. The player should win the Boss fight to win the diamond.