User:Winipitia/sandbox 2


Conflict Billegrent 1 Billegrent 2 Result
Fossid-Venetin war (899-503) Fossid caliphate Republic of Venice
Kingdom of Asturias
Fossid victory
Italian war of 921-926 West Francia
  • Swiss kingdom

Republic of Venice
Papal States (924-925)
March of Turin

Holy Roman Empire
Kingdom of León
Papal States (921-923 and 925-926)
Astur-Leonese Victory
  • Killing of Robert I of France in the battle of taviya
  • Treaty of Rome (925)
  • Treaty of Leon (926)
Italian war (926-930) Holy Roman Empire
Kingdom of León
Lordship of ferrera
Republic of Genoa
Lordship of Mantua
Papal States (930)
West Francia
Swiss kingdom
Papal States (926-929)
Republic of Venice
March of Tuscany
Republic of Genoa (926-928)
Kingdom of Navarre
Commune of milan
Astur-Leonese Victory
Fossid-Roman war (926-938) Holy Roman Empire
Astur-Leonese monarchy
Kingdom of León
Fossid caliphate
Principality of Nitra
Fossid victory
  • Truce of Lobljlana
Fossid-Venitian war (937-940) Republic of Venice
Kingdom of León

Papal States

Fossid caliphate
Byzantine Empire
Emirate of cordoba
Fossid victory
Fossid-Roman war of 940-947 Fossid caliphate
Crimean namokiyah
Byzantine Empire
Islamic kingdom of hungary
Astur-Leonese monarchy
Holy Roman Empire
Principality of Hungary
Papal States
Republic of Venice
Kingdom of Croatia
Duchy of Bohemia
Fossid victory
Italian war of 951-959 West Francia
Swiss kingdom
Fossid caliphate
Lordship of guastalla (951-952)
March of Tuscany (952-955/9)
Papal States (956-957)
Holy Roman Empire
Kingdom of León
Papal States (951-952)
Lordship of Mantua
Kingdom of England (957-959)
March of Tuscany (951)
Kingdom of Arles
Kingdom of Italy
Treaty of Sisercmab
  • Leonese victory
  • Mixed results for france
  • England lost Watal
Fossid-Leonese war of 951-962 Fossid caliphate
Byzantine Empire
Islamic kingdom of hungary
Astur-Leonese monarchy
Holy Roman Empire
Principality of Hungary
Kingdom of Croatia
Duchy of Bohemia
Papal States
Fossid victory
Fossid-Leonese war (960-975) Fossid caliphate
Islamic kingdom of sicily
Crimean namokiyah
Astur-Leonese monarchy
Holy Roman Empire
Principality of Hungary
Kingdom of Croatia
Fossid victory
Low lands war (968-1048) United low lands (from 988)
  • Low lands council (976-988)
  • Rebels (966/8-976)

Kingdom of England (985-1004)
Kingdom of france (989-998) (from 1003)
Upper Burgundy
North Sea Empire (1025-1030)
Kingdom of Navarre (from 1041)

Kingdom of León
Kingdom of Navarre (980-1041)
Holy Roman Empire (1029,1032,1035)
Dutch victory
  • Peace of tunter
  • Kingdom of Leon recognises Low land as part of holy roman empire only
  • kingdom of leon reatrets to high lands
Fossid-venitian war (970-973) Fossid caliphate Jesuit League:
Republic of Venice
Kingdom of León
Principality of Salerno
Kingdom of sardinia
Papal States
Lordship of guastalla
March of Tuscany
County of urbino
Kingdom of Arles
Funaytid dynasty in malta
Slavic rebels
Fossid victory
Anglo-Leonese war (985-1004) Kingdom of León

French catholics
Kingdom of Gwynedd

Kingdom of England
  • Kingdom of cardif

Low lands council
Kingdom of france (987)
Portuguese rebels

Status quo ante bellum
  • Treaty of Winchester
  • Mostly an english victory
Fossian survival war Astur-Leonese monarchy

Kingdom of france
Kingdom of León
Lordship of ferrera
Papal States
Kingdom of Poland

Fossid caliphate
  • Crimean namokiyah
  • Fossid military victory
Imperiestan war (1018-1048) Anti-Empirial alliagnce (untill 1035):
Duchy of Bohemia
Kingdom of Sweden
Margraviate of the Nordgau
County of Savoy
Kingdom of Hungary
Republic of Venice
Kingdom of Norway
Kingdom of Lambrecht
Duchy of Thuringia
First Duchy of the North
Duchy of Saxony
Anti-empirial Alligance (After 1035):
Kingdom of France
Kingdom of Sweden
Republic of Venice
Duchy of Thuringia
Imperial alligance (untill 1035):
Ottonian-Salian Monarchy
Kingdom of León
Duchy of Bavaria
the catholic power
Empireal alligance (after 1035):
Holy Roman Empire
Kingdom of León
Kingdom of Norway
Victory for Anti-empirealist
  • France and sweden and the north gained many lands
  • Declaration of duchy of the swiss as an independent power from holy roman empire