WiseGuy: A Short Question and Answer.


There are many who wish to know about WiseGuy and so this article has been created in response to the questions which I have been asked in the past;

  • Why do you go by the name of WiseGuy?

Well, WiseGuy is obviously not my real name; it is merely a nickname which was given to me by an old and wise friend of mine who whilst having a problem with a computer at his LAN gaming centre asked me to look at the computer problem which he had been struggling with for the past two weeks. I immediately discovered that the problem was that he had conflicting motherboard drivers installed on the computer and so it was causing the trouble. He looked at me, very amazed and said: “That Guy, he’s so wise.” and the nickname kind of stuck. I carried on using the nickname for the ten years that I was playing Unreal Tournament in clan [LEGION] as [LEGION]WiseGuy (more on that later).

To be continued.


This is a work in progress and so will be completed.

            --by WiseGuy H.E.C. 13:26, 30 Nov 2004 (UTC)